Garden Photo of the Day

The Beauty of Old Roses

If only you could smell them!

Today Nancy Mellen is sharing photos of some of her beautiful roses.

Having moved into this antique home in Hingham, Massachusetts, 32 years ago, I have spent much of my time planting new gardens, as it was essentially a blank slate when we moved in.

John Cabot roseThis first rose is ‘John Cabot’, which is one of the explorer roses from Canada (a series of rose hybrids developed in Canada boasting exceptional winter hardiness and disease resistance).

Apothecary roseI particularly like old roses, and this is one of them, the Apothecary rose or Rosa gallica officinalis. Like many old roses, it will only bloom once in the spring, but the fragrance and vigor are worth it.

Rosa mundiAnother old rose, ‘Rosa mundi’ has pink, striped flowers.

Rosa MundiWider view of ‘Rosa Mundi’ showing its growth habit, loaded down with early summer blooms.

Tuscany old rose‘Tuscany’ is another old rose and has a lovely dark flower.

Eden rose‘Eden’ is a favorite of mine and is a lovely rambler, but a drawback is that if it rains when it’s in bloom, all the flowers turn brown and mushy. It will form new flowers, though.

Leda damask roseThis is a damask rose named ‘Leda’. Damasks are a group of old roses famous for their rich fragrance.

Rosa glaucaThis is often called the red-leafed rose, but its official name is Rosa glauca.

Fairy roseThis last one is the well-known ‘Fairy’ rose, which is notably healthy and vigorous, producing huge numbers of small, pink flowers.


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  1. User avater
    cynthia2020 08/06/2020

    Re: If only you could smell them!

    Wish I could!

    Thank you for sharing some of your fabulous garden with us. The roses you have chosen are absolutely lovely and thriving. I know a tremendous amount of work went into this garden.

    I have only tried a few roses a few times, but also wanted scent and got it with hybrid tea Just Joey and Mr Lincoln roses. Hostile hot and humid conditions with insects thrown in were too much for them. Not sorry I tried. :-)

  2. cheryl_c 08/06/2020

    What beautiful roses you have chosen! I especially love all the doubled petals of Leda, and Rosa glauca.
    It doesn't take much imagination to enjoy the scents these old beauties have to offer. Thanks for sharing.

  3. User avater
    simplesue 08/06/2020

    All of your roses are really super and planted in nice arrangements -but the photo of your Rose ‘John Cabot’ has totally impressed me like no photo of a rose ever has before.
    I think what is so outstanding about it is that it's so natural looking the way you have it growing among lilacs(?) and other plants.
    I'm saving that photo to look at again and again!

  4. btucker9675 08/06/2020

    Oh how I want to sniff that Tuscany rose... I have a few roses here in the Charlotte area but have an epic battle with the Japanese beetles every year that makes me wonder if it's worth it. I thought it was bad in northern NJ, but nothing like here! I have been using milky spore on my lawn to try to get the numbers down but it takes a few years to see the results. Thank you for allowing me to virtually enjoy your gorgeous garden of roses.

  5. carolineyoungwilliams 08/06/2020

    Your selection of Roses are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. You have done a great job making sure they are healthy and happy because it shows.

  6. Cenepk10 08/06/2020

    Gorgeous. I too, love roses. The antiques & some new. Makes my heart happy to see them. Thanks. For sharing!

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