Happy Monday, GPODers! Today's photos are from Linda Skyler on Bainbridge Island out in Washington. (see previous posts HERE.) She says, "It has been an unbelievable winter as weather goes, both beautiful and rather scary! No snow in the mountains means no water so it could turn out to be a real disaster. Meanwhile, our days have been beautiful and sunny with chilly nights. So many things came up early this year, earlier than I can ever remember, and I do have to say that for now I am really enjoying it all." WOW, Linda, I cannot believe how much further along you are over there than wwe are here! Amazing!
Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
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What a treat to be on another virtual tour of your garden, Linda. Love the blue-purple rhodie and all of the primrose. It's great to have a clearer view of all of the containers in your garden, too.
Glad you enjoyed Tim. I do a lot of gardening in pots - my husband counted them ALL the other day, he says he can't retire now!!
I meant to tell you, Linda, that based on your beautiful potted 'Sagae' from a few posts ago, and a comment from a friend, I did a crazy thing this year. I dug up a 4-eyed clump of 'Sagae', plopped it in a good-sized ceramic pot and brought it indoors as a summer houseplant. What do you think? Crazy, huh? Right now it's four yellow, cream and green spears rising from the pot. Cheers!
Wow, interesting - it may just burst right out of your house! Mine is huge already with our warm Spring. They do fine outside in a pot in a cold winter. I just put a good mulch over my potted things. Let me know how it does inside, should be beautiful.
Here's the current state. Guess it has more than four crowns. Look out, dining room!
Beautiful ! but you do know that your lovely pot will only last about another week !!
Funny, I thought the same thing when I took a fresh look. "There's not a pot or a cell that can hold me, 'coppers'!
What a great grouping that includes that yummy caramel colored heuchera (like a delectable dessert fresh out of the oven) and what I'm thinking might be a 'Magic Carpet' spirea and the fun hanging glass item (bird feeder?... who cares, it's so pretty). Anyway, you are having a beautiful spring and I so hope water conditions throughout the summer won't be a struggle. Oh, also, what is the plant with the neat looking foliage in picture #4
Hello Meander ~ glad you enjoyed and if you are referring to the small planting on the left of the photo, it is an epimedium. The glass dish is water for the hummingbirds and it is actually on a piece of re-bar.
Everything is growing! Its so lovely, Linda! your fatsia is so beautiful! I haven't seen any for sale around here yet. I like the way you shot that picture. Isnt it fun to see the ferns unfold? You have a wonderful spot for them! Please let us see more as your garden grows! Thanks Linda!
Thanks Jeanne - and I can't wait to see your gardens again! Happy gardening - and don't forget about 'old' backs, be careful. ^_^
Love the fatsia! What variety is it? Huge variety of great plants... so much to look at! Some interesting garden art as well. Did you make the "face" in the primroses? Love the Japanese Maple! Thanks for sharing.
Hello Margaret ~ the Fatsia Japonica is 'Spider's Web', there were only two at our Nursery and I have not seen one anywhere else in our county since. I just happened to be at the Nursery the day they came in - or maybe it's because I'm there nearly every day ^_^
I did not make the faces in the primroses but surprised you saw them as they are almost buried now. I've had them a long time.
Just found the tag for the Fatsia - if you are interested it is 'Variegated Japanese Aralia'.
Linda, is your garden on a tour this year? I'd love to see it in person. My inspiration photo for my previous garden was a shot of your bed with the big red pot. I swiped it from some online publication. It served as my computer wallpaper for a long time.
Hello Tia, yes, we are on the garden tour this year, hope you can make it. That large red pot was given to us by a potter here on Bainbridge and has graced many a photo. We have always been thrilled with it and the generosity of the potter Brian Mackin. Hope to see you.
Love all of your sweet pathways and your beds so full of beautiful flowers.
Thank you Avis.
Good morning, Linda. Such a treat to start the week with your amazing garden, one of my absolute favourites. We share the same climate and the same worries about water shortages in the summer. Meanwhile, the wonderfully mild winter has meant none-stop gardening for most of us and temptations to try more tender plants You always have plants that I didn't know we could grow here - is the fatsia permanently outdoors?
Hello GrannyMay, Yes, the Fatsia is permanently outdoors. It is in a shady area somewhat protected but it has not been thru a winter yet. If it were to go into the low 20s I would probably cover it for the first winter. It is rated Zn7-9. Glad you enjoyed and happy Spring gardening to you.
So lovely Linda,I too hope you are going to be on a tour so we can come back again,I have not gotten my NPA catalog yet. It would be so nice now that we have met to see your gardens again. Our gardens are so far along already I have to keep reminding myself it's only April. I love to look at every square inch of each photo to see just what you have tucked here and there. So happy to see a peek at your gardens so early on. I can't wait to see more photos when everything is up. Happy gardening,I'm headed out right after breakfast,it's going to be a great day in Seattle.
Yes, another great day ! Thank you for your nice comments NNN and yes, isn't gardening just crazy right now! I feel like we are already in the middle of summer, except for the cold nite. I am going to be on the tour this summer. You can check out all of the wonderful gardens on Garden Conservancy.org/Bainbridge Island
The conservancy web sight is very hard to navigate I could'nt find it. I will try later when I have more time. Thank you though.
Your gardens have exploded with beautiful growth, Linda. (Are you sure you haven't found some kind of magic elixir that promotes fairy tale flowers?) It's like Bainbridge Island has time traveled to early June! Your plants are so lush and gorgeous with spring growth and color. Wow!
We do feel like we are in some kind of 'special' time warp here in the PNW. It;s exciting for now but won't be so much when we get further into the dreaded drought ! I am enjoying the 'green' while I can. Thanks Sheila
Hi Linda love your garden and its very eclectic plants and garden ornaments. I too live just north of you and we have had the same weather. Everything is early and some things such as my Elizabeth Rhodo bloomed in the Fall and is in full bloom now. I really enjoy your use of pots. It is a great way to add more plants and more interest to the garden.
Goodmorning Catherine, yes I know you are a near by gardening neighbor. I love your area and I think I remember you live close to Butchart, which is always a little colder isn't it. I do love to garden in pots and is also very necessary here as so much of my property is root-bound from the giant firs. Glad you enjoyed.
I just love your use of garden ornaments and well placed pots. It has enhanced what nature provided. All together really pretty.
Thanks so much jagardener ^_^
Such beauty. Thanks for sharing...
You are so welcome. I love to share.
Beautiful, Linda. It has been a warm winter and fabulous spring, hasn't it. Everything looks lush and happy - and so much neater than my garden... I'll have to read up on the garden tour. I would love to see it in person. Happy Spring.
Glad you enjoyed and yes, you must try to attend the June garden tour. I have recruited five other incredible gardens that will be a joy to see. Hope to see you here.
It seems to be a really great year for Rhodys - and well, just about everything! So glad you enjoyed.
Looking good, Linda !!!! Everything is set to POP !!! Beautiful!
Thanks, popping out all over!!
It's so grand. The color bursts are wonderful. Those primroses are outstanding - don't think I've ever seen one on steroids before.
'Juicing' of the primroses doesn't seem to be necessary here - I think they just like the climate and the fact that I have a lot of shade.
I live just south of you in Vancouver WA. Yes the garden is very early this year, mine is about the same stage as yours. I keep wondering if I'll have anything blooming in July and August at this rate. Beautiful garden, pottery and art. I too garden in containers, first because they are beautiful and second it keeps plants from drowning in the winter, and third I can move them if the sun/shade isn't right.
Yes, pot gardening is great. People typically think it won't work but it is great for the advantage of being able to move them around as you stated. Happy Spring!
I love that Fatsia- cannot grow it here but am green with envy. All the pots are a marvelous idea Linda and your garden is full of great ideas for us all. Primroses do amazingly well in this area (zone -5) although the little patch I have looks stunted compared to your "on steri
I do mulch heavily every late Fall and I do a light feed with an organic fertilizer early Spring. I think a gardener just must be happy with whatever nature allows to grow in a particular area - it is frustrating though when you want to grow a certain plant so desperately and it just doesn't work ! been there !! Happy gardening.
Well, it's a good thing we are all dreamers, isn't it?
Thank you for your advice.
On steroids" collection. Do you feed them? The area where I grew up in the south of England was rhododendron heaven, but I have never seen any the particular blue of the one in your beautiful garden. Can't grow them here very well either! Poor me!
Thank you for taking the time to share your garden.
Thanks for posting your colorful pictures. Your brick edging make your beds flow together and adds a tidy look. I am impressed with your plant variety. Your ferns and hostas are a testimony that Spring had Sprung??
Glad you enjoyed. The bricks took my husband all of one summer - mostly because he is a perfectionist ! and I do love them.
You do have a knack for flowers and wonderful garden art. In picture #5, what is the ground cover? In #7, what is the small tree with the pretty blue flowers? Enjoyed the tour.
Glad you enjoyed Elizabeth. The ground cover is saxifraga, it enjoys the shade but will also do well in sun and soon will have little fair-wand like flowers everywhere. The purplish-blue bush is a Rhody.
I love your woodland spring garden Linda. So many interesting things to see in each photo. I can already tell how much more enticing it will be in late Spring. BTW, that Fatsia of yours is to die for. Happy spring everyone!
Goodmorning PC ~ Isn't this Spring great, makes gardening such a delight !
I edged my garden with the bricks also. it's easy to keep a neat edge.
Your garden makes me happy !!! We are a blessed bunch with glorious SPRING!!!!!! Love it !!!!
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