Garden Photo of the Day

Linda’s garden in Washington, Day 2

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler

Today we’re continuing our tour of Linda Skler’s garden that we started yesterday.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler

In case you missed what she said yesterday: “I live on Bainbridge Island, a 1/2-hour ferry ride from Seattle. It is truly a great place to garden and is a mecca for gardeners. We have lived on our 1/3 acre for almost 40 years and I have been gardening here for nearly 30, and seriously gardening (which includes constantly digging up MORE grass!) for about 25. After raising 4 boys on a lot that looked like we raised 4 boys, I started to landscape and have never stopped.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler

“We don’t have a lot of sun on our property anymore due to the giant firs and the ground is very root-bound in places so I have learned to do a lot of shade gardening and really enjoy it. Ferns and hostas are my passion and I love them throughout the shady areas. A lot of the blooming plants have ended now and the grass has dried up but there is still some color and I have wonderful green structure throughout the gardens that continues all year long. Enjoy!”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler

So many details to absorb, Linda. I love your shady plantings.

See? Linda listened! You can, too….This is prime time to take some photos in your garden. So get out there with your cameras and send some in! Email them to [email protected].

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Skyler

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View 15 comments


  1. user-1020932 08/09/2013

    ok, i need a personal guided tour of this beautiful space with plenty of time for questions. i keep seeing plants i'm not familiar with and with each turn of the head another spectacular view. today's photos are just as good as yesterdays

  2. imsoshy 08/09/2013

    My backyard continues to get shadier as the years go by.....this lets me wonder if it's time to embrace shade gardening. Thanks for showing me the way!!!

  3. mrspain 08/09/2013

    I have enjoyed this tour. Want to see more, How did you get the painted ferns to grow so large, I seem to have trouble getting mine to grow. Everything is beautiful. Love what you did with the pots.

  4. flowerladydi 08/09/2013

    I love it all Linda!,, yesterday and today!,, love the urns,,,,love the lushness all around,,,
    Shade gardening is my passion,, and you prove just how successful it can be!,,,
    LOVE IT!!!

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/09/2013

    Confession, Linda, I don't think I'd ever make it up to your beautiful wreath decorated door to knock and announce my arrival...I'd be too busy looking at plants and pots and I'd probably keep wandering deeper and deeper into your fascinating garden. One thing that struck me was how much I like the idea of having a mature hosta in a pot so it is elevated for closer inspection and enjoyment.
    Is your glass sculpture the work of the WA artist, Barbara Sanderson?

  6. Quiltingmamma 08/09/2013

    The lushness and depth of a mature garden is reinforced in your lovely sanctuary. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. tractor1 08/09/2013

    What a sweet note on which to end the week, a second visit to Linda's Wonderland. Everything looks so precisely manicured yet natural and I love how she arranged so many plantings on a mere 1/3 acre yet each has its place without impinging on the others.... I see amazing attention afforded to detail. I hope to see more during the different seasons. Thank you, Linda.

  8. GrannyMay 08/09/2013

    Definitely a garden to wander around in, sit for a while, wander some more, and enjoy each new view! So much to see and admire, yet the overall green dominance makes it restful, not "busy". Please do send photos from other seasons Linda.

  9. Wife_Mother_Gardener 08/09/2013

    Love your shade combinations! Great work!

  10. bee1nine 08/09/2013

    Today's continuation has been an extra treat! Viewing through
    more of your absolutely beautiful and masterful garden beds,
    and delightful pathways.
    Thank you again, Linda!!

  11. Meelianthus 08/09/2013

    The painted ferns, although very delicate,are quite hardy, however, I have found that they actually require MORE water than is advised.You might try that gloriaj. Thank you everyone for touring my gardens. If you are in WA. state June 29,1014, my gardens will be on the Garden Conservancy Tour. Please join us. Have a wonderful end of summer and thank you Michelle.

  12. cwheat000 08/10/2013

    Thank you for the wonderful tour of your garden. I love all the variety of ferns and hostas. There is so much great stuff to look at, that I can't pick a favorite.

  13. wGardens 08/10/2013

    Absolutely wonderful. Love the contrasts in texture, the natural look of it all.... etc.!! Would love to be there for the garden tour.... NOW! Thanks for sharing!

  14. mrspain 08/11/2013

    Thanks for the advice on the painted ferns, I will make sure they get MORE water.

  15. LisaKaren 08/19/2013

    Cool info! blog

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