My name is Margot Navarre. I have been featured in GPOD before and wanted to share some more winter garden photos from a magical time of the year.
Snowdrops (Galanthus species, Zones 3–8) add a lot of interest and excitement in our gray and rainy winter season in the Northwest. In my climate, they start blooming in October, peak in early February, and continue through March.
Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Chief Joseph’ (Zones 6–8) has bright golden winter color and fits in nicely with clumps of Galanthus elwesii.
Snowdrops will naturalize and create a wonderful show. When clumps become extra-large, divide them. Locate them to new places in the garden, and share them with friends.
I use plant tags for special snowdrop bulbs. Galanthus ‘Long Wasp’ is featured here with the pink flowers of Cyclamen coum (Zones 5–8).
Galanthus ‘Long Wasp’ with Cyclamen hederifolium(Zones 4–9)
The two dwarf Narcissus asturiensis ‘Navarre’ (Zones 6–8) were collected by Gauthorne Hardy in the Navarre region of Spain and were purchased at Colesbourne Park from a snowdrop friend. This is the first season they have bloomed.
This Galanthus plicatus ‘Diggory’ was in the ground for five years and finally bloomed this season.
Galanthus ‘Robin Hood’ has an X marking in the inner segments.
Hellebores (Helleborus hybrids, Zones 4–9) make great companion plantings with the Galanthus.
Drifts of Cyclamen hederifolium come out in early fall with pink and white flowers. They are easy to grow, are low maintenance, and look great with Galanthus.
Love the snowdrops but especially like how Chief Joseph sets everything off.
Thank you.
Beautiful! I love the snowdrops with the cyclamen.
They are two of my favorites in the garden and grow nicely together. The Dunn Gardens in Seattle have drifts of these combinations.
Your plantings are beautiful. And finally, after a long varieties have blossomed. Thank you for sharing 🍃.
Thank you. Five years have been the time in my garden when the snowdrops started taking off and worth the wait.
Absolutely gorgeous tapestries! I envy your long season for these beauties, and your drifts of cyclamen.
Thank you
The cyclamen coum start flowing in winter which makes it a little extra special to see the delicate little flowers and keeps the season going.
These are just beautiful, especially this dreary time of year. You are so lucky to have such a long season of bloom. Mine (only a few) are here today and gone tomorrow and then are in great danger of having something plunked down right on top of them later on. I'd love to have them spread themselves around for a longer longer stretch.
Planting snowdrops under deciduous trees might be helpful and less likely to put more plants on them. I have more interest in the winter /spring garden and not as exciting in the summer.
That's an amazing spring display! Very impressive! I saved one of your photos for inspiration!
Hooray! Made my day
Lovely bulb combinations! Since they’re poisonous I can only enjoy them vicariously. My best friend & neighbor has a beagle . . . need I say more?
We have dogs and they haven’t been a problem for us but am aware every dog bread is different. I like those beagles.
So very beautiful - I had them in my northern NJ garden but don't think they'd do well here. Thank you for sharing with us.
You should still try. They do very well once established.
Thanks for sharing. I thought m;y few Snowdrops had disappeared, but they showed up again this year. I think I may move them under a deciduous tree, as you suggested. And try to find a marker that will stay in place!
Glad the snowdrops showed up again!
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