Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Phillip’s garden in Alabama, Day 2

Fountain butterly bush (Buddleiaalternifolia, USDA Hardiness Zones 6-9) in the foreground and 'Climbing American Beauty' rose (Zones 5-9) on the archway. 2 WAYS TO ENLARGE! Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Phillip Oliver

Day 2 of Phillip’s garden brings us three vignettes around three charming white birdhouses. Check out the captions for plant IDs. I, for one, will be searching for that butterfly bush at the nurseries this spring! Thanks again, Phillip, for sending in these photos of your wonderful garden. Feel free to send more at any time!  🙂

Another photo of roses, this shows ‘Buff Beauty’ (one of my favorites) and ‘Gartendirektor Otto Linne’ (pink).
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Phillip Oliver
Here is a fall shot. We have a lot of Japanese maples, oakleaf hydrangeas, and camellias and they provide lots of fall color.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Phillip Oliver

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  1. dukeofargy 02/15/2012

    Beautiful gardens, Phillip. I have several bird houses in my gardens as well, and have landscaped around them, but they don't look as nice as yours. Fabulous fall colours in the last shot. Thanks for sharing with us.


  2. Kris_at_Blithewold 02/15/2012

    There's a silver-leaf form of that Buddleia that's to die for too... Just don't make the mistake I did once of treating it like a normal buddleia and cut it to the ground in early spring. It grew back beautifully but didn't flower.

  3. user-7006921 02/15/2012

    Philip's Alabama garden is exquisite - I don't see "crammed in plantings" - I see a space that's enveloped by texture and color. The garden statues,bird feeders and benches make this garden even more inviting....The fall colors are really icing on this cake! Wish I lived next door.......Thanks submitting these photos.


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    meander_michaele 02/15/2012

    Yum, I looking at photos of a garden or scrumptious deserts?
    The combination of that weeping butterfly bush and the climbing rose are stunning...just what every gardener dreams of achieving. Your garden is truly a multi season delight, Phillip!

  5. tractor1 02/15/2012

    Me too! I will also be checking out that butterfly bush, hoping it will survive my zone 5a winters and the deer... I have a perfect spot for it in a small clearing I made in a hedgerow, actually my pet cemetery I can see from my window. I love those bird houses, but needs bird feeders too. That's a gorgeous garden that really needs to be viewed up close and personal, photos don't do it justice. I have my eye on this newcomer, it's unique design and great capacity is very tempting:

  6. oilpainter 02/15/2012

    Whoa! What a beautiful plant that weeping Buddleia is! I've never seen it before. The whole garden is just lovely. Phillip has a great sense of design and color, and pulls it all together with such seeming ease, that the garden feels really soothing. I bet this is wonderful every day of the year. Thanks for sending it in.

  7. greengrowler 02/15/2012

    The fucshia pink and purples had me in a state of bliss, then I saw the fall photo - GORGEOUS!! Phillip, your garden should go down as one of the FAVES - you hit all the highlights: great plant selection & siting, texture, color, just enough ornamentation, harmonious hardscaping, and multi-season interest - nirvana!

  8. sheilaschultz 02/15/2012

    What a lucky man to be surrounded by such beauty. The fall shot takes my breath away! Wow.

  9. pattyspencer 02/16/2012

    I'm echoing everything everyone said! Just beautiful!! And the fall pic is breathtaking!

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