Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS: Brenda’s garden in Georgia, Day 2

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Today we’re revisiting Brenda Addington’s garden in Suwanee, Georgia. Yesterday we saw the bolder side of her bulb plantings, in reds and daffodil-yellows. Today we see the softer side in shades of pink, including my personal favorite tulip of all time, ‘Angelique’. It’s like a cross between a pale pink tulip and a luscious white peony! Heaven.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

In case you missed what Brenda said yesterday, here it is again: “This past December, I planted some 3,000+ bulbs, mainly tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils, in my garden. Since I live in the south in Zone 7b, I treat many of my tulips as annuals in order to have an explosion of vibrant blooms in the spring. Having planted over 2,000 tulips in December 2010, hand-troweled I might add, I decided to use an auger this time. Wow! What a difference it made. I saved a lot of time, finishing most of my bulb planting in just two days. Also, my back and hamstrings definitely benefited from the use of the auger.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

“It’s been an early ‘Spring Fever’ here for the last few weeks. much earlier than normal due to our very warm temperatures this spring. I’ve been enjoying the splendor and color of my bulbs due to all of my hard work. Even though the addition of spring bulbs in my landscape is short lived, it is indeed spectacular when they are in full bloom!”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

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View 14 comments


  1. Steepdrive 03/29/2012

    It is lovely, truly lovely. Years ago when I worked in DC I remember that the Smithsonian would give away the tulips bulbs that had bloomed because as Brenda does they treated them as annuals. I did plant some from them in that first house of mine and they came up the next year but dwindled through the years. I'll stick to the bulbs that multiply and spread each year, but will enjoy looking at Brenda's and others who plant them and share their photos.

  2. gottagarden 03/29/2012

    Lovely spring containers! Tulips are hardy here and mine come back every year - but the deer like them too!

    Can you elaborate on the auger you use? drill attachment? Stand up tool? thanks

    Is that snapdragon with the tulips in the first photo? How do you get them to bloom so early? Gorgeous combination!

  3. user-7006921 03/29/2012

    Nice floral explosion!
    I'm amazed that the bulbs planted in containers survived. I live in the Boston area (zone 6A) and my container bulbs turned to mush despite the fact there was adequate drainage. I surmised that the freezing/thawing in the container inhibited the drainage enough to destroy the bulbs....
    Please share tips/magic to having successful bulb blooms from a container....


  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/29/2012

    I got up this morning thinking. "Oh goodie, more pictures from Brenda's garden" and I was not disappointed! The soft pastels have a very serene appeal and without a doubt, the tulip, Angelique,is thoroughly enchanting.
    To gottagarden...I visited Brenda's blog yesterday (really enjoyed it) and in one post, she had a picture of her drill and auger attachment. It looks very effective!

  5. User avater
    forloveofflowers 03/29/2012

    I love the statue in the midst of all those flowers. It adds so much grace.

  6. VeronicaM 03/29/2012

    how can I get permission from Brenda to make a painting from her tulip photo? I live in Holland Michigan and there is a competition every year for the Tulip Time Festival poster. I would provide source credit if I create a painting worthy of submission. Your garden is an inspiration to us all. Thank you.

  7. Wife_Mother_Gardener 03/29/2012

    I love the snapdragons with the tulips and the lady... she is holding her arms just perfect for walking through such a field. Brilliant Brenda! You have a gift for including ornaments in the garden.

  8. tractor1 03/29/2012

    Brenda's potted plant creativity is superb, very well balanced arrangements.
    Bulb augers can be purchased at major hardware emporiums, I buy many of my gardening tools from

  9. pattyspencer 03/29/2012

    Wow and I thought yesterday's photos were awesome!! Will be searching the internet for those tulip bulbs and what is the bright pink one in with the snapdragon???? These arrangements with the bulbe are just beautiful!

  10. terieLR 03/29/2012

    Beautiful compositions ~ both in containers and from behind the lens. Grand gardening at it's best Brenda.

  11. Queenofgreentlc 03/29/2012

    Beuatiful color and texture combo.

  12. sheilaschultz 03/29/2012

    I hope some group is doing a Spring tour through your gardens, Brenda... the sheer number of bulbs is an amazing visual! Just beautiful!!!

  13. greengrowler 03/29/2012

    Just when I thought I had seen the best spring display yesterday - here's more of "Brenda's Bulbs" that literally took my breath away!!!! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! Thank you, thank you!

  14. addingtongarden 03/29/2012

    I'm truly overwhelmed by the wonderful comments. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Thank you! In regards to the questions some of you asked, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] and I'll be glad to answer them.
    Many thanks to Michelle and FG for providing this opportunity that allows gardeners like myself to share their garden photo's!

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