Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! More from Terie’s garden in New York

This area has dappled sunlight as tree canopy is high. Some of the perennials that do well in this location include astilbe, ligularia, lady's mantle, ferns, lilies, hostas, queen of the prairie, columbine, and anemone. The pink flowers in the upper left are Japanese candelabra primroses. 2 WAYS TO ENLARGE! Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.  
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

Back to business! Today’s photos are from Terie Rawn in Newfield, New York. We featured Terie’s charming garden cottage back on January 24th. (Click here to revisit it). I’d hoped that Terie would send more photos of her obviously gorgeous garden, and here they are!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

Terie says, “Ten years ago we spent the summer months clearing this area to extend the side yard. Wild grape vine, multiflora rose, and other underbrush were removed to make way for a garden peninsula. Just behind it would be a grass path. I amended the woods floor with wheel barrels of composted leaf mulch, peat moss, and top soil.

The garden peninsula meets woods edge: Just behind the spirea and barberry is a stone wall to separate the two. With ajuga at it’s entrance, a stone walkway meanders through the peninsula. Astilbe, anemones, hostas, and sea oats add texture while waiting for their time to shine. The cement lantern holds bird seed in winter and a candle in summer.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

After defining its shape, we let garden rest until the following spring. Plant divisions, friends’ contributions, and local green house visits gradually filled in the blanks. The following year we decided to develop the right side of the path, so continued to clear. I built mini rock walls with stone from our property.”

Thanks, Terie! Feel free to send us more, more, more!

A winding grass path with the peninsula to its left that boasts flowering grey dogwood in the background. It sweetens the air in early June.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Japanese painted fern and lady’s mantle add soft blue/greens to this garden. As the season progresses ligularia and ostrich ferns make a bold statement as the backdrop.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
The birdbath is a good place to feature the ”fire” when hosting guests. Draping goatsbeard, ‘Jack Frost’ brunnera, lobelia, and ferns add interesting textures.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Severe pruning of the wild each spring keeps this area looking tamed. Goatsbeard placed in the back helps the transition between garden and the wild. Flowering astilbe and miniature goatsbeard brighten the shaded pathway.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

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View 13 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/10/2012

    Although Terie admits to "severe pruning of the wild", the impression is, nevertheless, of a gardener who is getting along gangbusters with Mother Nature. Everything is absolutely stunning! In fact, as I look at these beautiful results, I wonder why I haven't been more ambitious with some of my own somewhat shady areas. I love the airy effect of the goat's beard...I'll bet it is particularly enchanting with a gentle breeze. This garden is perfection!

  2. dukeofargy 02/10/2012

    Terie's gardens are an inspiration to us all. I had not thought of the goatsbeard in the heavy shaded areas. I might have to try that in my garden which somewhat similarly borders on the wild of the bush.

    I REALLY love what has been done here. Thanks for letting us have a garden tour. You've given me some good ideas.


  3. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/10/2012

    "Gradually filled in"??? This is BEAUTIFULLY composed. Great plant choices.

  4. Wife_Mother_Gardener 02/10/2012

    Beautiful! I love the goats beard by the white bench. Lovely place to spend an after noon.

  5. pattyspencer 02/10/2012

    Love it! Especially the last photo!!! I think I saw a couple of fairies flying across that pathway.

  6. sheilaschultz 02/10/2012

    Terie, all of your hard work paid off... your gardens are perfection. The plantings blend so seamlessly with the woods, you have created a peaceful haven.

  7. geckogirla 02/10/2012

    It would be interesting and very helpful to active gardeners if you could mention the geographical location of the lovely gardens you show us. Since we all know how important place is to plants, what works in a woodland ecosystem differs from a prairie ecosystem. Knowing locations of what we see will help us as gardeners to scale our ambitions to our particular places. Thanks. Enjoy the daily pictures!

  8. greengrowler 02/10/2012

    Teri, you have done a fantastic job with design and plant selection. The spacing is perfect; enough room for the plants to fully develop their shape but close enough for the overall effect to look full, without being over-stuffed. I must admit to yearning for the lushness of the eastern landscape; everything is so GREEN and blousy. Surprisingly, I have a nice stand of Goat's beard in one of the rare damper areas and it is lovely. The great thing about Goat's beard is it has 3-season interest; foliage looks great from spring to summer; the creamy blooms last a long time and even when dried are lovely. Teri, your garden is a peaceful wonderland.

  9. n2hostas 02/10/2012

    Very beautiful. Love the dry stack wall. Wouldn't change a single thing. Great Job.

  10. MichelleGervais 02/10/2012

    Hi Geckogirla--this garden is in Newfield, New York, Zone 5b. We try to include the location of each garden in both the title of the post and the first sentence of the post each day.

  11. MizScarlet 02/10/2012

    You,ve given me some great ideas--especially the Goat's Beard. It looks like this lovely garden just happened, but I know it took lots of planning and even more work. Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

  12. terieLR 02/10/2012

    I will admit to going at it 'gangbusters' from the start. As the years progress my husband is a wonderful garden-partner. We seem to create more & more seating areas but finding the time to use them still challenges me.

    Goatsbeard has stepped up to the plate in this garden. I love it more with every passing season. Growing between the stepping stones in front of the bench is Irish moss. The broken pottery on either side echo cobalt blue that I use throughout the gardens.

    Thank you all for taking moments to comment. It's very rewarding to see that play-time/work inspires so many. Until spring ~

  13. ElaineS 02/11/2012

    I have visited Terie's gardens in the spring and they are amazing. Around every corner there is something new and delightful. I want to live in her garden cottage!

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