Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Even more from Terie’s garden in New York

Woodland path with flowering grey dogwood
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

Can you tell that I can’t get enough of Terie Rawn’s garden in Newfield, New York? Today we have just a few more photos from various parts of her garden. No theme here, just a sampling to enjoy. Thanks, Terie, for sending in photos!

**check out the captions for descriptions**

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Arbor urging visitors to take a stroll into the woods
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
‘Tea for Two’ on the garden cottage porch
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

>>>>>SPRING IS COMING! If those of you in warmer zones are seeing the signs, get out there and take some photos. Send them in and I’ll post a few so that us northern gardeners can hope and dream of warmer days…

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/02/2012

    Sigh, such doesn't get any better than these alluring shots of Terie's woodsy garden areas. is that beautiful blue clematis secured to the tree trunk so it scrambles up so enthusiastically? Also, does Terie happen to recall the name of it?

  2. tractor1 03/02/2012

    What luscious green, and here I am looking at everything covered in that wet white stuff. But very soon now I'll be able to enjoy that woodsy earthy woodland aroma again, bugs and all, and I'm betting on an early spring, and hopefully not too wet. That vibrant carpeted green path looks so freshly vacuumed... who'll make the first foot prints?

  3. terieLR 03/02/2012

    Lol tractor1, the critters most likely. Thank you meander1. I daily look forward to your comments. The clematis did not have a lable when purchased at the little country nursery. It was all of 15" tall and one beautiful periwinkle flower head was all I needed to see... It is 5 years old and a metal trellis wired to the tree holds it in place.

  4. charlotteA 03/02/2012

    there are always wonderful pictures of gardens but this garden is over the top. It's almost so beautiful that it's unbelievable that it exists. Thank you Terie for sharing this.

  5. greengrowler 03/02/2012

    Like tractor1, we woke up to a blanket of snow this morning, too; these beautiful verdant photos are delicious relief. Yet, March in the Rockies is fickle; it will be 65 degrees by Tuesday!
    Echoing the others from yesterday, the bowling ball-in-the-birdbath idea is so delightful. Another idea (sorry no photo to share yet) is to place several glass fishing balls in a fountain - the movement of the water causes them to softly clink together - a lovely sound.
    Terie, your garden is spectacular in every way! I can see you enjoying coffee in the morning and wine in the evening on your porch overlooking the woodland paradise.

  6. Happily_Gardening 03/02/2012

    Your gardens are luscious, your photography superb!
    I have to tell you I look forward to reading your posts each day just as much as viewing the great garden photos. Your words are refreshing, like a soothing balm and a friendly hug. I can just imagine the engaging blog you'd write.

  7. sheilaschultz 03/02/2012

    Terie, it's hard to tear myself away from the wonderful photos of your gardens, they are so peaceful. I also agree wholeheartedly with both you and Happily Gardening... meander1, your words are my morning treat. I always look forward to seeing the gardens thru your eyes.

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/02/2012

    Thank you, Terie, for being so prompt in providing info on that delectable clematis. I love what it does for that expanse of bare trunk. Now that I know it's not being held in that position by gardening magic or wishful thinking, I do see a faint hint of the metal trellis. After seeing your picture, I went out and prowled my yard looking for a tree candidate to try to duplicate that lovely affect.
    And to Happily Gardening as well to you, Terie, I say a humble thank you for your kind words about my expressions of appreciation for the content of the daily photos. It's just such a treat to see all the different ways love of gardening gets put into practice. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could just instantaneously zap ourselves here, there and everywhere for an in person visit to all the fabulous gardens we get to see in these pictures?

  9. terieLR 03/02/2012

    It's so delightful to read all of your posts. I can almost hear the gentle clinking of glass balls in your fountain GG. Love that idea! Last summer I hung (w/fishline) glass balls at different lengths from the tree limbs that hover over this grass path. (will post photo this summer) They sway in the breeze and cast sunrays at sunrise. It was magical. I found them at the local Farmers Market. And yes, morning cuppa' is enjoyed daily while I journal from my favorite rocking chair in the cottage. Ahhh...summer come!

  10. pattyspencer 03/03/2012

    This is one of the more perfect gardens I've seen! It is so lush and beautiful!!!!

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