Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! James’s garden in California

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of James Rubie

Today’s photos are from James Rubie in Sacramento, California. James says, “I live in the Land Park area of Sacramento.  I started this California cottage garden about 10 years ago. I spend a lot of time sourcing, reading, and planning the garden. The biggest challenge is of course the space and critters.The climate here is Zone 9 and fairly mild.”

Beautiful, James! That fountain is dreamy. Cute pup, too…

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of James Rubie
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of James Rubie
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of James Rubie

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/19/2012

    One of the things I so appreciate about the Picture of the Day feature is the chance to be exposed to what grows in other parts of the country. For some reason, I wasn't expecting to see daffodils and hyacinths in a Sacramento CA garden. James, do help Mother Nature along with some refrigerator time for your spring bulbs?
    Your garden is gorgeous and your attention to detail really shows.

  2. Lisianne 03/19/2012

    Like meander1, I wasn't expecting daffodils! Spring is WAAAYYY too early here and the daffodils are in full bloom. The photo of your dog made me smile... I have an 8 week old lab mix puppy that has taken a liking to eating my daffodils -- just the flower portion.

  3. tractor1 03/19/2012

    I love the copper roof on that gazebo and that fountain is magnificent... looks like a very stress free nook amongst all those plants.

  4. TeriCA 03/19/2012

    Oh heck yeah! Bulbs of any kind do great in Northern Calif. Mother nature is the refrigerator--it's not always sunny and warm in CALIF. In fact we were blasted with weather last week!

  5. pattyspencer 03/19/2012

    Lovely garden! I too was surprised to see daffodis and hyacinths - I guess my perception of California is (unfortunately) limited to sun and sand - totally forgetting the northern areas. Cute dog too!!!

  6. MizScarlet 03/19/2012

    Great variety in plants for California. Is that one of the "new' hydrangeas?

  7. jlittle14 03/19/2012

    Beautiful Garden James! I live in Carmichael and work for Green Acres Nursery in Sac. Have you thought of sharing your garden with us by participating in a garden tour? I would love to see it first hand.

  8. Wife_Mother_Gardener 03/19/2012

    Beautiful scene with the tall lilies by the fountain. Thanks for sharing, James!

  9. sheilaschultz 03/19/2012

    What a gorgeous photo James... the fountain and the copper roof in the background are perfect in your beautiful garden.

  10. deechurch 03/19/2012

    Lovely! I hope there is a chair or hammock tucked in there somewhere.

  11. KarinCa 03/20/2012

    No daffodils in California, are you kidding? Google Daffodil Hill in Sutter Creek, California, they have literally thousands of them. I live 30 mins away from Jamie, same zone, we get (light) frost and everything here, enough to grow Cherries and so on. Beautiful garden, Jamie. I like checking out what grows in the heat here, I'll have to try out the Hakone. And is that a Crocosmia in the background?

  12. JamesRubie 03/21/2012

    Jlittle14- Would love to share the garden with you. When is the tour?

  13. JamesRubie 03/21/2012

    Thanks everyone. No refrigerator time for the bulbs at all. I try a lot of different bulbs some work and some don;t . And yes inside the Gazebo is my home away from home with carpeting, couch and Rocking chair. My sanctuary away from the world!

  14. JD39 03/21/2012

    oh...not fair! How do you get your daffodils to come up pink? I ordered several varieties years ago & they ALL came up a dirty yellowish tint, some more so than others...I was so disappointed I called the company & the woman told me that there really are no such thing...that they just come up less yellow than the traditional varieties! :(
    Yours are lovely!!

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