Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Elizabeth’s garden in Georgia

Hardscape with water fountain and redbud tree in bloom.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic

Today’s photos are from Elizabeth Majestic (coolest surname ever) in Atlanta, Georgia. Elizabeth says, “Here are some of my favorite photos from my garden this Spring. What makes my garden unique is the dog palace my husband I created when we rescued two basset hounds, Bucky and Bailey. Before long, we added hardscape to keep our furry friends out of the plant beds. It has been 5 years since we adopted the dogs and created this beautiful outdoor space we can all enjoy.”

You must love your dogs so much, Elizabeth. You’ve created a fun, multi-purpose back yard for the whole family! 

The dog palace and path blooming with ‘Chocolate Chip’ ajuga.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
The dog palace and path blooming with ‘Chocolate Chip’ ajuga.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
The dog palace and path blooming with ‘Chocolate Chip’ ajuga.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
Front yard in bloom with pansies and snapdragons.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
Close-up of pansies, snapdragons, sweet flag, and plum yews in front yard.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
Front door of house in bloom with azaleas, ‘Chocolate Chip’ ajuga, plum yews, and pansies.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
Bucky and Bailey outside on the patio.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
Bucky sitting in the chair under the cabana.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
Bucky & Bailey sniffing Spencer the cat.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic
Bucky taking it easy next to the magnolia tree.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Elizabeth Majestic

**Hey, Bucky has his own TWITTER FEED! Check it out here…***

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View 15 comments


  1. ncgardener 04/04/2012

    Gorgeous garden. I am trying more grouping of plants in the front yard to give my garden a more defined presence in the front. In the backyard it is still utter chaos, which I love, and glorious to me. I love the photos of the dogs, I have two cocker spaniels and they have a kitty (cousin) that comes to visit and they have a ball. Thanks for sharing.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/04/2012

    I guess it is only fitting that the accommodations for dogs belonging to someone named Majestic would be 'palatial'. It cannot be denied that Bucky and Baily won the doggie lottery when they became part of your family, Elizabeth. I'm sure now you cannot imagine life without them!
    Love the 'Chocolate Chip' ajuga and your pictures have inspired me to be on the lookout for some.
    All of your stone work is beautiful. I'm a big fan of undulating curves and find the design hugely pleasing.

  3. cwheat000 04/04/2012

    i have often found that people who love gardens and dogs are great people. Both your garden and your pups are wonderful.

  4. birdwhisperer 04/04/2012

    Bucky and Bailey are so fortunate to have such wonderful gardens to enjoy.It is so nice to see these great pictures every morning, since in canada, althou we had a false start a couple weeks ago, we are now back to the minus 2's and 3's. So we will have to wait a bit for our tulips and daffodils to pop and then we will be off and planting like you all."Thank you", to fine gardening for all the pictures we get to see and to all of you who send your photos for us to share.

  5. terieLR 04/04/2012

    Especially appealing is the way you sweep color around each corner ~ keeping the eye moving. (and I just bet those pets love to race around them too) A spring favorite of mine is Ajuga. I say it calls the hummingbirds back to my gardens. Please invite us back to view pictures of your Magestic summertime!

  6. oldsquaw 04/04/2012

    Wonderful photos of gorgeous gardens, and obviously lucky dogs. What are those abundant blue flowers; and where is the ajuga? I don't see it.

  7. elizk 04/04/2012

    Lucky dogs! I want a dog palace now ....

  8. tractor1 04/04/2012

    Spencer looks like the ferral cat that recently took up residence in my barn. I put a small insulated fiberglass dog house in a corner and filled it with old blankets. I make sure the giant food tower and water bowl are filled. I named the cat Newt, because I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, I haven't been able to get anywhere close enough.


  9. pattyspencer 04/04/2012

    Love all the huge sweeps of color!! And I really really like that path between the purple flowers. The dogs are so lucky to have such a nice place to live!!

    Tractor1 - I believe ferrals tend to be more on the female side than male but Newt is a cute name. My BF had about 6 living around her home and over the years (about 10) only 1 has survived (she had them all fixed). That cat has now become a house cat that is quite the talker and very friendly.

  10. bestman 04/04/2012

    A garden filled with love that is a feast for the eyes. This garden is worthy of featuring in the magazine, not just on the website. The plant design incorporates sweeping color and hardscape that is absolutely beautiful. The pet palace is the best use of a dog house in a garden that I have ever seen. I can't wait to see what this garden looks like in the summer and winter. Also, keep the pictures of those cute basset hounds coming. Thanks for sharing your garden with online readers.

  11. MyDiane 04/04/2012

    A friend told me about the beautiful garden and pet palace. This garden is spectacular! These pictures leaving you wanting more. Hope the fine gardening finds a way to showcase the garden and the adorable basset hounds in a future edition of the magazine. Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your garden with us.

  12. thedean 04/04/2012

    Elizabeth, your garden is majestic! Look forward to seeing more pictures of your garden in the future. Hey bestman, check out @BuckyNoseBest for tweets and hilarious pictures of Bucky and Bailey, the basset hounds. The bassets are as funny as this garden is beautiful.

  13. sheilaschultz 04/04/2012

    Without a doubt... there's a lot of love going on at the Majestic family garden!

  14. tractor1 04/04/2012

    Pattyspensor, everytime I approach my barn Newt hears me and dashes out and into the woods so I've never seen Newt close up. I see Newt from my window but that's about 600 feet away. Maybe eventually I'll be able to get closer. Meanwhile I set up a cozy abode in an old horse stall (see above), so Newt has a home.

  15. Sewzie 04/04/2012

    The garden is beautiful, but the dogs are the most beautiful sight in your area. I love the look of all of it, and especially those four-legged beauties enjoying it so sweetly. Kudos to you!

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