Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Carol’s garden in Georgia

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Carol Stewart

Today’s photos are from Carol Stewart in Atlanta, Georgia. Carol says, “Here is a picture of my garden this past summer.  I enjoy using annuals and perennials in my garden. My garden is always changing as different plants bloom and are replaced by other plants blooming.  Because it is a front yard garden, I get the chance to see most of my neighbors as they go for their morning walks.  I also get a lot of drive-by visitors on a weekly basis, just to see what is blooming. It is truly a labor of love.”

Such a pretty garden, Carol! Thanks so much for sharing.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Carol Stewart

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/02/2012

    Graceful lines and chock full of plants...what's not to love! Doesn't look like a weed could even have a thought about moving in.

  2. Wife_Mother_Gardener 02/02/2012

    I love the flow of your first garden design... just beautiful.

  3. pattyspencer 02/02/2012

    I really like how your garden curves and looks like it's an extension of the bushes behind it. Lots of plants too that look happy to be where they are.

  4. greengrowler 02/02/2012

    Carol, your Caladiums are beautiful! Your entire front border is softly elegant; no wonder folks often stop by to enjoy it. With a mostly part shade to shade back yard, I have tried Caladiums a number of times - they all died. Last year, I put them in pots on my shady patio; the grim reaper took them again! I think here in Colorado the nights are too cool and the weather too dry. I thought by putting them in pots the moisture & soil could be controlled maybe going from the nursery to outside was too much of a shock, with the cool nights. Guess I will have to stick with Heucheras, brunneras, coleus, hostas, etc...

  5. tractor1 02/02/2012

    I love the texture of Carol's garden. With how all those plants are arranged they look so soft and voluptuous that they make me want to reach into that picture and caress them, like a cat. What type of grass is that, it looks like velvet, like a putting green, or Georgia peach fuzz. I think you need a peach tree, clings are my favorites but they're not readily available nowadays. I can't grow peaches here, they won't survive the Catskill's frigid winters.

  6. cmccarthy816 02/07/2012

    Carol- do your elephant ears over winter here in the ATL burbs or do you have to replant annually?

  7. BombasticTurtle 03/11/2012

    Hi Carol, I absolutely love the way you have integrated solid dark green foliage with variegated and other plants ... and then you have a well kept lawn. Giving it the look of a professionally maintained garden.

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