Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTO! Pauline’s garden in Carmichael, California

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Irvin Faria

Irvin Faria emailed me last week to share this photo of his wife’s garden. I had to know more. He says, “Pauline is my wife of 58 years.  She will turn 79 in December and continues to care for the entire garden herself. She is a “Tasha Tudor” of the west.  My contribution involves moving small trees and shrubs. The garden is open to the public in spring (~May), fall (~late November) and summer (~July).  More information and private tours can be arranged by calling (916) 944-3305. I took this photo of the upper back garden in May 2011. It features a kousa dogwood combined with a ‘Crimson Queen’ Japanese maple and overhanging branches of ‘Sazanami’ Japanese maple.  The Gary Price bronze boy fountain “Bugs & Bulbs” is surrounded with ensata iris.” Irvin has promised to send me a DVD with lots more photos of Pauline’s garden – I’ll share them as soon as I get them! Stay tuned…

One more bit of business: yesterday there was lots of talk of wanting more home gardens featured in the GPOD. Here is a summary of my response:

“For the last two years, most of the posts on the GPOD have come from my travels as an editor here at FG over the past 10 years. I’ve visited tons of private gardens across the country, and featured lots of photos from those gardens, but after more than 460 posts (most with multiple photos), that well is starting to run dry. 

Now I’m challenging you: Send me photos of your gardens! We’ve featured lots of reader photos in the past, and they’ve always been my favorites. Some tips on how to get your photos featured? I’ve noticed that portraits of one flower or leaf are snoozers for you guys. All I get are snores (no comments, and very few “likes.”) Close-in shots of plant combinations, same thing. But you seem to love outdoor living areas and unusual plantings or ornaments, especially if they’re home-made. Whimsical garden elements always generate a smile, too.”

So get going, gardeners! Do like Irvin does and send me your garden photos! I need all the help I can get to feed the GPOD beast…. Email me at [email protected] with GPOD as your subject line. Attach the highest-resolution images you have, and send lots! I’ll only email back, though, if I plan to use your photos.

View 11 comments


  1. gottagarden 10/11/2011

    How tranquil! Lovely composition in photo.

  2. JulieBW 10/11/2011

    OK, I will now remember to "like" every home garden photo. This one is great, but they often aren't as spectacular due to our labor and funding limits. They are more interesteing to me, though.

  3. tractor1 10/11/2011

    Nice composition and superb photo quality.

  4. djlw51554 10/11/2011

    I love the color echo between the Crimson Queen and the bronze statue. Kudos to the new enlargement option!

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    meander_michaele 10/11/2011

    You are of home gardens do strike a special chord. I guess we all like to be inspired by the efforts of a "regular" person as opposed to a paid staff of professionals that care for public gardens. Today's picture is lovely and I'm delighted to read that it the Farias continue to be devoted gardeners in their "mature" years. Now that's INSPIRATION!

  6. greengrowler 10/11/2011

    Peaceful, serene, calming....and the plants are so beautiful, healthy, and clearly well-cared for. I aspire to be tending my garden at 79 like Pauline - thanks for the inspiration!

  7. snollygaster 10/11/2011

    Nice shot and lovely, naturalistic planting. Good use of diagonals in both cases. As a garden designer here in Victoria, BC (Canada`s so-called City of Gardens) I see a lot of both amateur and professionally designed gardens. My days are spent analyzing and enjoying gardens en plein air, digitally or in print. I have to admit it`s the amateurs who often come through with the most emotion provoking gardens. Looking forward to seeing more of these. Thanks!

  8. Vespasia 10/11/2011

    Just lovely, the colours perfectly complement the little boy statue. So inspiring that gardeners just keep gardening, my grandfather still worked in his garden in his nineties, my mother also until a stroke in her late eighties slowed her down, Im hoping to be able to keep up the family tradition having just turned seventy and still loving working in my large garden. What a wonderful way to keep fit and healthy.

  9. Plantluster 10/11/2011

    How charmingly wonderful Irvin is to share the lovely garden his wife Pauline (with his assistance) created! I want to see gardens that show they are passionately loved and tended by their owners/stewards. More gardens like this, please!

  10. perennialpal 10/11/2011

    wonderful! I love this! thank you so much Michelle to quickly paying attention to what we like to see. More, more!

  11. crazeknot 10/13/2011

    Would like to know where is. I live in Calif & never heard of it? Also, the pic. is wonderful.

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