Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTO! Barbara’s garden helpers in California

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barbara Bludsworth

Today’s photo is from Barbara Bludsworth in Woodland, California. Barbara says, “This is my front garden. The boxer boys, ‘Hudson’ in the chair and ‘Bosco’ lounging on the blue bottle bench, are always there to make sure I do things the right way and are always vigilant just in case a brave squirrel might dare to wander in…” They look very noble and alert, Barbara. And gorgeous! And I am seriously coveting that wind chill gauge…

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  1. Lisianne 05/02/2012

    You are one lucky person! My "garden helper" is digging holes in my as yet unplanted annual bed and has removed plants from containers... My other "garden helper", interestingly enough, pulls weeds out of one of my raised beds, and he does it correctly. You never know.

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    meander_michaele 05/02/2012

    Ahh, the good doesn't get any better!. I have a little plaque hanging outside my back door that says:
    "My goal in life is to be the person my dog thinks I am"...
    not a bad aspiring principle!

  3. tractor1 05/02/2012

    What a royal pair of regal poochinis... my neighbor has a boxer; Poochini! I like all that cobalt blue, are those bottles utiltarian, whimsical, both? More pictures, please!

  4. plant_lady_55 05/02/2012

    I would love to chill out in this beautiful garden with the boxer boys. I wonder if Bosco would share that bench. :-)

  5. cwheat000 05/02/2012

    I wish I could take a lesson from this super cute pair. We all need to sit back and really enjoy the garden, once in a while. We need to feel the sunshine on our face, watch the shadows change, watch the bugs do their thing, etc. The joy and the curse of a garden, is the work is never done. I have been working on a large, weedy and overgrown garden,( with some great features)of an antique house in Connecticut. The work is nowhere near done, but I will try to share some pics later this season. My English pointer is like me. He has a hard time sitting still.

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