Garden Photo of the Day

More from Dorothy’s garden in Maryland

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey

We featured Dorothy’s garden last Thursday (refresh your memory HERE), and I knew there was more to see. Turns out, Dorothy held out on us on one of her biggest projects–her patio! 

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey

She says, “I laid every brick in the patio and walk that went around the porch to the driveway. I don’t think I could do that again! The little pond by the patio was where my mini hostas were planted. When I got tired of having beds to mulch I just started planting in the woods as the one picture shows. My new back yard is also wooded and will be equally as challenging though the soil is much better. I can’t wait for spring!” I’m in awe, Dorothy. Every brick?! Well done!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Dorothy Bailey

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View 27 comments


  1. greenthumblonde 03/12/2013

    That was a lot of work. Nice job. Welcome back Michelle.

  2. user-1020932 03/12/2013

    what a woman! i loved your first feature/photos and now i'm more than impressed. beautiful and it makes my knees and back hurt just thinking about all that work.

  3. user-1020932 03/12/2013

    and greenthumblonde i thought i got up earlier than anybody in the country,,,,,,,,,,you beat me to it

  4. wGardens 03/12/2013

    Spectacular! (How long did it take you to lay all those bricks?!?) Also love the woodsy areas. Great job!

  5. bee1nine 03/12/2013

    Outstanding and GRAND brick patio work Dorothy! Can't imagine
    the time this must have taken you.
    Enjoyed viewing more of your gardens,too! Hostas are great
    filler's,aren't they? I was able to spot your cute little
    fairies nestled in,in (top right photo pic) LOVE IT!!

  6. Steepdrive 03/12/2013

    Very impressive patio. I like you host collection in the woods. It's very much like I have here in Baltimore Co. Where are you in MD? I just used liquid fence for the first application this spring yesterday. I'll do that for three weeks then do it once a month all the growing season. What do you use to deter the deer?

  7. pattyspencer 03/12/2013

    Your patio is stunning! I can't imagine all the work that it took - wow! Love all your hostas - I have an area that is pretty shaded and have always wanted to plant hostas and ferns in the area - need to keep killing the elephant ear plants tho before I do as they will take over.

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/12/2013

    Wow, Dorothy, not just every brick... but every brick in a herringbone pattern... with brick edging...on a patio with curves... with two brick pathways leading off. Yikes, the exact measuring needed, the precise cutting, the careful placement, the daunting leveling...I am so impressed. The result is truly lovely and so generously gracious as are all your beautiful shade plantings.

  9. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/12/2013

    Oops, not sure how my brain and finger got disengaged so that an empty post showed up. Ha, I shouldn't type before I have finished the first cup of coffee. Anyway, I wanted to ask pattyspencer where she lived that elephant ear spread like a weed?

  10. mosscreeklane 03/12/2013

    Wow, it all looks wonderful. The brick work is quite impressive. It also makes my knees and back hurt thinking about how long it must have taken to do the brickwork. Did you do it entirely alone?

  11. mosscreeklane 03/12/2013

    Wow, it all looks wonderful. The brick work is quite impressive. It also makes my knees and back hurt thinking about how long it must have taken to do the brickwork. Did you do it entirely alone?

  12. tractor1 03/12/2013

    What a beautiful and spacious patio! That was a lot of work to prepare that expansive base with a compacted foundation of proper materials that lets water pass so it doesn't flood in a rain, level with the correct pitch away from the house, lug all those bricks to the site, and lay in the edging so it doesn't move... setting the pavers is actually the easiest part of the job. I built a much smaller patio at my last house and it took me an entire week of prep before placing the first paver, and then over several weeks sweeping sand to fill in all the gaps. We know that Dorothy previously lived in Maryland but there's no indication of where her new digs is located... I would suspect from how that patio is constructed that there aren't hard freezes there. For being there only a year Dorothy has accomplished a monumental landscaping job, many of those plantings look so mature like they've been there for years, kudos!

  13. Happily_Gardening 03/12/2013

    Goodness Dorothy, the patio is incredible...I applaud your determination, hard work and great success...spectacular! I was delayed in writing because upon reading your post I had to go and get the Bengay, like many I hurt from thinking about all that laborious work. When we first moved into our home I decided I'd transform the side yard dirt walkway into a paved walkway. Off I went to purchase pavers and sand. Easy enough task, right?...good gracious NO! Back breaking and if not done right its looks the part. Thankfully location and usage if forgiving of a slight sag here and there BUT it serves us well and has lasted all these years.
    So wonderful to have you back!

  14. CJgardens 03/12/2013

    Dorothy, your patio is/was beautiful. Ditto to what meander wrote; I put in a small patio years ago, so I have some understanding of what great skill you have. The first picture shows a staircase in the bottom of the photo, does it come off the screened in room or did you have an upper deck too? Many lovely spaces for relaxing. Good luck with all your landscaping in the new yard.
    Michelle, good to have you back - glad you're feeling better.

  15. MizScarlet 03/12/2013

    Dorothy, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do to your new place. I hope you'll keep us updated as Spring arrives and you begin. A step-by-step tutorial would be fascinating. It took me a while to spot the fairies,and I would probably not have noticed if bee1nine had not mentioned them. Good eyes, bee1nine. Dorothy, thanks for sharing your labor of love.

  16. caymanmama 03/12/2013

    Everyday, the first thing I think of is "wow" what beautiful gardens! Today is no different! And the brick work? Just awesome! Great job, Dorothy! I loved the last photo of the hellebore blossom! Mine are stil burried under snow! I'm jealous!
    I also want to know what pattyspencer means by her spreading "elephant ear" and what zone she's in to have it spread!

  17. user-1020932 03/12/2013

    just returned from a prospective client, they had a brick patio installed by a "professional" it does not compare to your beautiful patio. call me, i'll give you a job tomorrow! :)

  18. user-1020932 03/12/2013

    off topic but i just took the dog out and did a walk thru
    Daphne in full flower, Viburnum Spring Dawn and Prunus mume Peggy Clarke,,,it smells like spring everywhere and i can hear the grass growing, , i think we're gonna make it! winters are difficult

  19. NevadaSue 03/12/2013

    Dorothy, I'm so glad you shared the rest of the pictures with us. WOW! I love it all as before. I've put in a patio myself a few years ago and know the work that it takes. Yours is absolutely gorgeous. The curving edges are so pleasing and make it all so inviting.
    The beds are beautiful and I love how you have used the hostas and Azalias in the shaded areas. The pots on the patio add that special touch. You have done a terrific job of creating a beautiful and restful place. I'm anxious to see what you do in your new place. Be sure to share pictures with us. I'm also creating a yard here in NV and can hardly wait for the above freezing nights to arrive... Spring is on the way. :) .

  20. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/12/2013

    tntreeman, speaking of hearing things, do happen to have a water source nearby where you hear the spring peepers. Gosh, I love that sound. Sometimes there'll be a warm stretch in early Jan. and they come to life singing their song and then when it gets cold again, they go quiet. It's been a crescendo for the past couple of weeks so I'm hopeful that means the nice weather is here to stay.

  21. deeinde 03/12/2013

    You misunderstood, tractor1. Those are pictures of my old home, not my new. The patio was put in about 15 years ago.
    And yes, it was a very hard job. My husband and I both did the digging, and spread the stone. He used the power tamper, since it was too heavy for me to control. Once it was tamped, I put the edging in, screeted the sand, and laid the brick. The hardest part was cutting the bricks between the pattern and the edging....87 bricks had to be cut. I am a teacher, so I tend to take on monumental tasks in the summer.
    the walk was done later and over time.
    cjgardens, we had a small deck that came off the porch in the back but i took the picture from the roof.
    tntreeman, I am jealous of the flowers you have in bloom!
    steepdrive, I was in Cecil County. I have since moved to Delaware. I have deer here too. I have always used sprays. I have rotated them so the deer don't get used to the same one. Unfortunately I was not good this winter and have had a number of new plants chewed.
    Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! Maybe some day my new garden will be worth posting pictures

  22. user-1020932 03/13/2013

    yardmom you might want to check out PlantSkydd for deer repellent, it lasts about 3 months after application and is VERY effective. smells horrible until it dries but man does it work well. i have a good friend in adelaide australia who is also a teacher/primary school principal and she ALWAYS has a big project when on school holidays. it's a running joke when we talk, so sharyn what are you building this term?!?!? have fun i'm sure your new garden will be spectacular

  23. cwheat000 03/13/2013

    Dorothy, I second all the kudos to you. Meander1 and tntreeman it sounds like spring is already at your door. I can't wait to see those blooms and hear the peepers. The only things starting to bloom in my yard are the hellebores, snowdrops, and crocus. I have so many beds to rake out and re-mulch , but I can't wait. Happy spring, everyone.

  24. Funbrainclub 03/15/2013

    Well done! Love it.

  25. HostaShade 03/16/2013

    Wow, Dorothy what a surprise to check my email from FG today and see your garden! It is stunning! I'm sure you still miss your old garden, but hope all is well with your new one.
    Eileen(aka shade_tolerant)

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