Garden Photo of the Day

Monarch Moments in Hartsdale

By: Kim Charles

10:00 AM Oct. 4, 2017. Monarch seen on native wood aster, a plant often found on the side of the road, that made its way into my flower bed in the backyard. 

Francis Figliola of Hartsdale, New York, perfectly captures the beauty of the Monarch butterfly.

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Sept. 23, 2017.  Monarch on Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Danube' seen in my backyard.  

View 37 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 10/20/2017

    Nice photography, Francis. Cheers from Francis down under (or Frankie according to Rhonda).

    Have a great week-end GPOD'ers.

    1. poest 10/20/2017

      Thanx, Frank.

  2. user-4691082 10/20/2017

    Good morning Francis. It’s up to us to feed the monarchs, isn’t it? And g’day Frankie! Nice photography. More photos please!

    1. poest 10/20/2017

      Thanks, Rhonda!

  3. fredwiman 10/20/2017

    Very nice, Francis. We all need more Monarch moments.

  4. poest 10/20/2017

    No, I did not. How does one recognize this critter's sex?

    1. user-7007498 10/20/2017

      You can tell by the black spots on the hind wings.

      1. poest 10/22/2017


  5. Sunshine111 10/20/2017

    Lovely! I have been blessed with seeing these in my yard the last few weeks!

  6. cheryl_c 10/20/2017

    Good morning, Francis - great to see your Monarchs, and thanks for identifying the flowers providing food for them. Your photgraphy is beautiful - it's hard to capture these beauties with their wings open! Great job!

    1. poest 10/20/2017

      Patience and Asters helps. My beds were filled with many Aster cultivars and they drew hordes of bees and butterflies.

  7. User avater
    DawnMT 10/20/2017

    Very nice. I've been trying to attract these beauties for many years. I don't think Montana is part of their migration. Thank you for sharing.

  8. tennisluv 10/20/2017

    Great monarch butterfly pictures, Francis. Diane's comment on the sex of the first shot sent me on a search of how to differentiate between male and female monarch's. Not only got to enjoy really beautiful insects this morning, but learned a couple of new things. What a great way to end the week.

  9. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/20/2017

    Last summer I had monarchs everywhere. This summer/fall we have only seen one. Not sure what the problem is. Great photos!

  10. andreanola 10/20/2017

    Very pretty photos. Fortunately monarchs have been more plentiful this year in my garden.

  11. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/20/2017

    It's been the best year for monarchs in my garden in a long time as well. Let's hope the efforts of gardeners helps to preserve our migrating friends.

  12. VikkiVA 10/20/2017

    Beautiful pictures Francis. I've had more Monarchs this year also. Maybe the result of planting both perennial and annual Butterfly Weed? Vikki in VA

    1. poest 10/20/2017

      I agree, and thanks.

  13. Chris_N 10/20/2017

    Very nice photos. Sometimes my wife thinks I'm nuts trying to sneak up on butterflies to get their picture.

    1. poest 10/20/2017

      It takes a lot of shots and patience. Electronic cameras are just perfect for the task.

  14. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 10/20/2017

    Good morning, Francis. You captured two lovely shots of these beauties. Thanks because we saw very few of them this fall.

    1. poest 10/20/2017

      I think the secret is the Asters. My flower beds are loaded up with many Aster cultivars - Honey, Bumble, and an assortment of other kinds of bees were all over them this late summer and early fall along with butterflies.

  15. user-7008735 10/20/2017

    Gorgeous photos of beautiful creatures, Francis! I'm glad you were able to sneak up on them so successfully.

    1. poest 10/20/2017

      Thank you so much!

  16. user-7008421 10/20/2017

    Nice photos of pretty Monarchs on your gorgeous blooms! You are helping keep our Monarchs from declining w/ you pollinator plants.

  17. user-5627921 10/20/2017

    Beautiful photos. I'm inspired to plant more asters.

    1. poest 10/22/2017

      Thanx. There are so many types, splurge. They bloom just when the critters need that nectar the most, just before the freeze of Winter.

  18. Maggieat11 10/21/2017

    Lovely! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. I have noticed more Monarch's this year as well. Hurray!

  19. yukohartley 10/21/2017

    We live in north New Jersey. We saw a monarch on Mexican sunflowers on 10/19. The temperature went up to low 70s. I am glad that we provided a feeding station.

  20. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/21/2017

    Such lovely photos...I'm particularly charmed by the blue "fluff" of the Ageratum. I don't blame the monarch for wanting to linger.

  21. user-7008963 10/21/2017

    Lovely photos and good photography! I raised Monarchs this summer from eggs to adult for the first time. Enjoyable hobby. Have milkweed for the caterpillars and lots of nectar plants. I’ll have to add the ageratum! Thanks

    1. poest 10/22/2017


  22. Cenepk10 10/23/2017

    Coolness. I grew fennel to draw them to my garden - but they had a hankering for parsley ! They are beautiful little creatures- & they love zinnias too ! Thanks for sharing

  23. JoannaAtGinghamGardens 10/23/2017

    So beautiful! It's such a rush to see monarchs in the gardens. One day in late August I walked out my front door to capture this. My only regret was not having my good camera in hand, but I was afraid if I went back in to get it, I would miss the site. They were only there for a few days. My apologies that the photo didn't load correctly.

    1. Chris_N 10/24/2017

      It's a great photo. May I ask where you are located (in general) and what kind of Liatris are they on?

      1. JoannaAtGinghamGardens 10/24/2017

        Chris, I live in Minnesota, zone 4. That is a Meadow Blazingstar Liatris.

  24. LaurelEm 10/26/2017

    Love that Ageratum. I've been seeing it around the neighborhood. I'll have to get some next sprinf!

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