The garden has reached its final stages of growth as Jeff Calton enjoys the final moments before the season turns.
"I can not believe it is Labor Day! The garden has reached it's peak and all has become lush , full and brimming over with no more real growth for this season. Get out there and enjoy the garden this weekend as deconstruction and tear downs of containers will start in September moving into fall."
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Greetings GPOD'ers - don't know what is going on here with a post on the week-end. A new policy???? A treat for your Labor Day perhaps or a mix-up in the order of posts (this can easily happen in an admin. transition phase).
In any case, it is a real pleasure to see your post today, Jeff. What a lovely and diverse range of 'rooms' you have in your Tennessee garden! They are a real credit to you. Love the rusty ornament in the final photo. - looks a bit like an old style fire hydrant we used to have here in Australia. The 'confused iris' looks like it is infected with a virus or virus complex. How do you move that container with the tropical plants? Oh how lucky we are in Oz to be able to garden outside throughout the year! Cheers, Frank
Good morning/afternoon , Frank. Wioth you being in Australia, you are always in my future! I can never remember time zones. The only thing i save in that tropical container are the Cannas and the Colocasia, they are uprooted and stored in the basement. All other plants are composted. Even as I am ripping out 2016 summer plantings I am busily enlarging existing beds and adding new ones. I don't know who will take of this stuff when I can't do it anymore. Sure it will revert to an overgrown mess that someone will bulldoze and plant grass
Hi Jeff - It is actually Monday evening here in Australia. We are ahead of you guys (time wise anyhow!). All sounds like a lot of work for you. Keep up your great effort and continue to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Lucky you saved that very old gate post - what a story it could tell!
Jeff: Just found this post after being tipped off by Frank. Was not expecting it to appear on Saturday (and without email notification). Isn't it great to see the pollinators getting all excited as the sedum and asters begin to bloom? While they are still bee magnets, the numbers have definitely decreased over the past 10 years.
I also love the rustic ornament in the last photo. Adds so much character to the garden.
Is that Taxodium distichum 'Peve Minaret' in the dry garden photo? Looks so full and healthy. Do you have to provide supplemental waterings?
Saw that our temps are going back into the 90's later this week, so fall will have to wait.
Thanks for sharing photos of your awesome garden.
Hello Kev - I hope the administrator of GPOD sends out an email on Monday to announce Jeff's post etc. so that it is not overlooked by many GPOD'ers. Jeff has obviously been a regular contributor to GPOD and deserves appropriate recognition and encouragement, like all contributors. Aussies are usually cool, calm and collected, but they don't like it when somebody doesn't get a fair go - and usually barrack for the underdog. They can arc/fire up and it can get ugly - but don't let this worry you, Kev, you'll be fine when the mob of Aussies tour your garden this week. I'm sure they will be on their best behaviour! Cheers, Frank
No clue as to why it appeared on Saturday! My honeybee population has dropped significantly but I still have LOTS of bumblebees. The rusty iron "thing" in that photo is an old gatepost from an 1832 house we work at. It was in the discard pile 30 years ago and of course all discards come home with me. That is Peve Minaret and no i do not supply supplemental water. Bald cypress grow in standing water but they do not need it to thrive. I have standard Taxodium on a south facing bank along the northern boundary of the property and they are magnificent. They do not seem to send up knees when in a dry spot. Going to heat up here again as well.
Hey Jeff... glad I checked Terie's post again this morning and saw Kevin and Frank's conversation about your photos surfacing on Sat! A little confusion going on at GPOD Central?
Your gardens are looking great especially since it's the end of the season, and your succulent bowl is particularly lush! Are you getting ready to start adding skulls and creepy crawlies for our fave holiday? Container tear down is definitely looming on the horizon here, too. I'm hoping I will actually succeed in overwintering fewer succulents and tropicals this year. I've tossed a lot of hail scarred succulents this summer and I'm getting pretty bored with some of the tropicals. We'll see... Have a good one!
Hi Sheila - it's more than a little confusion at GPOD Central - (maybe this will stir the pot - see how Aussies can arc up; not as polite as Americans. We are as 'bold as Ned Kelly'. If you are on Facebook send me a friend request and I'll message you with some interesting info. about our bush ranger, Ned)!!!
I communicated with admin. via email and politely requested an email to go out.
When was your Labor Day - on Saturday or is there a holiday on Monday? Cheers, Frank
Hi Frank... Today (Mon.) is the actual holiday so it ends up being a 3 day weekend for everyone. No one has probably been in the office since Fri., so that would explain why you haven't had a response to your email. We'll see what happens tomorrow!
Thanks Sheila - Are you on Facebook?
Funny thing is, I wasn't surprised that we didn't receive a GPOD notice today, since it is a holiday. Everything will get sorted out. Yep, I'm on facebook!
Which Sheila Schultz though - the one with the flower?
No, you'll see a hanging piece with a skull topped off with air plants. I'm a container garden designer/ biz name is Denver Dirty Girls.
I got no email at all not even on Saturday. Glad I checked in here and saw the conversation or I would have missed this.
Hi Jeff, just came across this post by accident but what a nice surprise. I hope that they post it again on Tues so all the Gpoders can see it. Everything in your garden still looks so lush compared to the PNW which has turned into fall overnight. Is the plant left of the rustic post a hellebore? I have a double flowering Iris but mine is confused in the opposite way of yours and is refusing to give us it's usual fall show. Great to see your always interesting garden.
Hey Linda - cannot get over how diplomatic and polite you guys are! Guess it is a characteristic of Nth American gardeners - everybody trying to make GPOD work and hopefully prosper!
Never mind brash Aussies who don't mind shaking the tree occasionally. Cheers, Frank
What's not to love?
That photo of the mixed succulent bowl is positively spectacular. I need to be on the lookout for some of those succulents because I have a container that badly needs to be refreshed. You are inspiring as always!
Jeff, love it all. What is the green tree (?) closest to the house in the 2nd pic?
Taxodium distichum 'Peve Minaret'
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