Garden Photo of the Day

Midge’s garden in South Carolina

Taking a haiatus while the GPOD was in transition means that I have a backlog of photos you guys sent me early last month, and today’s set is an example. Midge Sandlin sent these in in early May–better late than never, right? 

She said, “Spring finally arrived in South Carolina in mid-April and suddenly everything was blooming or leafing out. The Knockout roses were outdoing themselves – even the ones in the back yard that are starved for sun…  At one time I wanted an all-yellow or all-pink garden but now I realize I love to just throw everything together, especially since most of my gardens are filled with pass along plants!

“I have found a deer deterrent so can’t wait to see lilies bloom this year (both oriental and day).  The deer will also miss munching on the hydrangeas – the Endless Summer promises to be wonderful! And here’s hoping they don’t get to the hibiscus that is guarding the arbor that was almost covered last summer by a jasmine that did not survive the freeze in February. In the three full summers I have been working these gardens I have been amazed at what survives our heat and humidity – even some plants I transplanted from Massachusetts!”

Midge, please send more photos to see what a change two months makes! I can’t wait to see those lilies in full bloom. Thanks for sending in photos!

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  1. perenniallycrazy 06/06/2014

    GPOD on the weekends... I can get used to this Michelle!

    Thanks for sharing your garden photos Midge. Looks like you're on your way to a lush and wondrous summer garden. Can't wait to see more photos in a couple of months.

    1. MichelleGervais 06/09/2014

      I haven't quite figured out how to schedule posts, yet, so you get the posts when they're created. :-) Don't get too used to it.....

      1. perenniallycrazy 06/09/2014

        I guess it was too good to be true.
        BTW, still can't view the photos on the iPad. The photos are overly stretched beyond recognition.
        Have a great week Michelle and everyone else!

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    meander_michaele 06/09/2014

    My goodness, Midge, you will win the popularity contest of the year if you have a deer deterrent that actually works and you share it. So, on behalf of others, I will ask you to pop back onto gpod and give us the scoop. When I think of gardens in S.Carolina, roses, and hydrangeas come to mind so your place looks perfect. Love your plant lined pathways and your colorful seating area definitely has a welcoming ambiance.

    1. Joycelaubach 06/09/2014

      Indeed - any innovative deer deterrent suggestions are worth their weight in gold, especially one that promises to protect what must be the tastiest morsels in the world for deer - lily buds. Please do share!

  3. greenthumblonde 06/09/2014

    I see variegated liriope that's doing well in heat and humidity. Perhaps I'll try that in Florida and see if I have success.

  4. GrannyMay 06/09/2014

    Midge your spring garden looks wonderful and full of promise for blooms to come! I do hope your deer deterrent has done its job and you now have lily blossom photos to share. I love your roses - Knockout is amazing! They are first on the menu for my local deer, but keep coming back anyway.

  5. GrannyCC 06/09/2014

    Wonderful gardens and colour. Even the bricks and the driveway are in the same tones. beautiful garden.

  6. lindanewber 06/09/2014

    Hi Midge. Great garden. Want to see your lilies in bloom. Thanks for sharing....send more pics

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