Garden Photo of the Day

Lovely Low-Maintenance Perennials

Justin from Haliburton, Ontario, Canada has a smart approach to a beautiful garden!

"My garden is four years old – I focused on low-maintenance native perennials. Enjoy!"

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View 21 comments


  1. Chefin1950 08/24/2015

    WOW! I'm otherwise speechless! This is just the sort of garden I want to create. Do you think you could name the flowers for us please, please, pretty please!

    1. user-7007785 08/24/2015

      Thank you! There are a lot of coneflower species, native grasses, boarder phlox, monarda, speedwell, sage and others.

      1. user-3282241 08/24/2015

        I just love your garden. I almost thought I could see the flowers moving with the breeze! An inspiration for me. thanks

  2. user-4691082 08/24/2015

    It looks so peaceful there. Why do so many of us insist on perennials that fail to thrive in our zones? You have shown that simple is beautiful!

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/24/2015

    Ahh, words for a gardener that resonate like beautifully expressed poetry or song lyrics..."low maintenance" and "perennials". Your selections are lovely, Justin, and all the colors, heights and textures work together as Mother Nature meant them to. Your pretty stone wall probably contributes to excellent drainage and keeps them all very happy.

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    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/24/2015

    This is great, Justin. The color combos are wonderful and the plants so happy and healthy. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop trying plants that shouldn't grow in my zone, but I am using more and more plants that will thrive and not need constant babying. Native plants are especially great for problem spots in the garden and great for native bugs and birds, and they often play well with others. Thanks for sharing and setting a great example.

  5. VikkiVA 08/24/2015

    You have done a wonderful job creating a garden that is not only low maintenance but also "natural" in it's appearance. Great plant selection and beautiful blooms of color. Vikki in VA.

  6. wGardens 08/24/2015

    Beautiful! And I love the rock-work as well. Congratulations on a goal well-achieved!

  7. katemcnamee 08/24/2015

    So beautiful!

  8. GrannyMay 08/24/2015

    Looks great, Justin! I couldn't tell form the photos, do you also have native fruits, like wild strawberries, blueberries and raspberries?

    1. user-7007785 08/24/2015

      Thanks! No fruits as I have lots of deer and black bears to contend with!

      1. GrannyMay 08/24/2015

        Oh! I guess if I had bears to contend with, I'd be reluctant to grow anything that might entice them to come visiting. I do, however, have deer, rabbits, raccoons, squirrels, birds, rats and other rodents that all manage to take some of whatever I'm growing.

  9. GrannyCC 08/24/2015

    Beautiful Justin. I love the stone wall which I am sure helps with drainage. Natives are a good choice but we gardeners do get hung up on trying to make the non natives survive.

  10. sheila_schultz 08/24/2015

    Native plants tend to be low maintenance because they have to be in order to survive... Your garden has not only survived, Justin, but it is delightfully and naturally beautiful. When a breeze comes up the look and the sounds coming from your gardens must be downright dreamy!

  11. user-7007076 08/24/2015

    Very lovely garden. Is that anise hyssop growing? How does it do in your zone 4 garden? I only seen them rated for zone 5, but I love that plant and so I'm curious how it does or if you have in a sheltered location. (I'm also zone 4, but just 10 miles shy of zone 3.)

    1. user-7007785 08/24/2015

      Yes! Agastache 'Blue Fortune.' I believe it's suitable for Zone 2 so you are good. It grows very well for me. Thanks for the nice words.

      1. user-7007076 08/24/2015

        Wow, zone 2, that's very hardy! Thanks! I'll be on the lookout for the 'Blue Fortune' cultivar.

  12. Cenepk10 08/24/2015

    Gorgeous !!!!!

  13. greengenes 08/25/2015

    Sweet! Its all very nice, Justin! Thanks for showing us!

  14. thevioletfern 08/25/2015

    I always have to applaud the use of native plants! You have some great ones here - beautifully combined I might add. I bet you also have a lot of life in your garden. Enjoy!

  15. perenniallycrazy 08/25/2015

    One of the most vibrant and exuberant native perennial gardens I have seen! (and in Canada too - YAY.) How did you arrive at your choices Justin?

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