Garden Photo of the Day

Gardening with Perennials

Summer in Marlene Mullet's garden is stunning! Such pretty perennials and lush greens!
"My name is Marlene Mullet and I love gardening with perennials. We live in northern Ohio and gardening has been wonderful this summer! Lots of rain has kept everything nice and green (It has rained almost every day in June and July). I have lots of shade, so hostas, corydalis, lungwort, and other shade plants do very well here. It is surprising how many sun plants do alright in some shade and I’m always experimenting with that.

Gardening is almost never a chore for me and I find it great therapy. I have been known to move whole gardens in the heat of August, so I take advantage of the growing season! I’m always looking forward to the changing seasons and the new blooms it brings. Along with the fun of gardening with perennials, I have also started a small business called GreenLeafGardens, where I sell my own propagated plants, which is a dream come true for me!"

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View 30 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/24/2015

    Nothing brings out the hubba hubba plant lust in me like almost decadently large hosta and yours are beauties, Marlene. Is the chartreusy one in the first photo 'Sum and Substance'? Your positive attitude about the joyful work of gardening is one that definitely resonates and I'm sure is a wonderful asset in your newish business venture.

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thanks for your nice comments! The lime green hosta in the first picture is "August Moon".

  2. user-4691082 07/24/2015

    It looks so cool and refreshing in your garden, Marlene. It is so natural looking that it looks like the plants 'just happened' to come up there! Nice!

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thank you!

  3. annek 07/24/2015

    What a naturally delightful garden! You've coopted a look that Mother Nature would approve of. The path truly does pull you in and I imagine guests who visit are thrilled with its wandering curves. Mmmmm, nicely done!

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thanks for your nice comments!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 07/24/2015

    Definitely lush and rich, Marlene. Beautiful. Love the rocks mixed in. We certainly have had plenty of rain this year in Ohio, haven't we? I feel a bit guilty thinking about our garden friends out west, but I guess it doesn't keep me from enjoying what we have while we have it! Good luck on your new business. I never really cared for hosta flowers, since I had planted them for foliage, but a few nicely-flowered ones like the amazingly scented H. plantaginea made me think twice and now I love them. Some bloom fairly late, too, and I've seen hummingbirds visit them. Yours are lovely.

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thanks for your nice comments! Yes we have been blessed in having lots of rain, would much rather have it this way than too dry.

    2. Nurserynotnordstroms 07/24/2015

      I have never cared for Hosta flowers either but this year I saw a hummer on one so I left them until they were all done blooming (anything for my hummers)

  5. Nurserynotnordstroms 07/24/2015

    Marlene,a stroll through your garden was lovely and you made me laugh when you said you have been known to move entire beds,and I too move plants when ever I desire I just make sure they get watered. We have been having exceptionally warm weather in Seattle and I have continued to plant any and everything to add to my collections. The idea of screen doors at the enterance to a garden is such a great idea I love how it looks. I too want to know how large your property is? Your joy and love of gardening shines through.

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thanks for your nice comments! I'm glad to hear of somebody else who doesn't always follow the rules in gardening:) My sister made the screen door arbor for me. Our property is around 2 acres and most of my gardens surround the house with a few other beds scattered about.

  6. GrannyMay 07/24/2015

    Ah Marlene, I do envy you the rain which keeps your garden so lush! Love your hostas in bloom - seems like icing on the cake when their leaves are enough justification for their existence! Propagating is fun to try and even better if it brings in some extra plant money. One of my favourite things to do is to check out private plant sales. You find the nicest plants and people that way.

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      I love plant sales too! Happy gardening!

  7. Cenepk10 07/24/2015

    Beautiful ! And congrats on your business venture !!!

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thank you!

  8. GrannyCC 07/24/2015

    Gorgeous and lush. We are missing our rain out west but we have some today. Love all the hostas. I admire your energy to keep planting even in August.

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Hi Catherine, I wish I could share some of the rain we have gotten with you! Glad to hear it is raining today. Thanks for your comments:)

  9. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

    Thanks for the nice comments! Our property is around 2 acres and most of the gardens surround the house with a few other beds scattered about.

  10. NCYarden 07/24/2015

    Wow, with that kind of rain, no wonder you're looking so tropically lush. How nice. Send some my way please. Loving the stones and paths. Your hostas are great too. No voles? How fortunate. I've been experimenting with a new planting scheme for hostas to defend against voles, and finally showing some success. I hope it lasts, because they are such wonderful plants, as is obvious from your beautiful garden. Thanks for sharing and I hope your pleasant summer weather continues.

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thanks for your nice comments! I think we do have voles around but they don't seem to do anything to the hostas so far:/

  11. sheila_schultz 07/24/2015

    The meandering path, boulders and rocks just draw one's eye into the tropical paradise you have created Marlene. All of the rain you have been having this summer has certainly worked it's magic in your garden beds, they are so full and lush... just beautiful!

    1. marlenemullet 07/24/2015

      Thanks Sheila!

  12. wGardens 07/24/2015

    Lovely!Such nice Hostas ... love the rocks and paths as well. Great job. Think we need more photos, though.... :-) !!

    1. marlenemullet 07/25/2015


  13. greengenes 07/25/2015

    Beautiful beds and colors of greens! Hostas are a great foliage plant and the flowers are so sweet! Great job with the rocks and yes, what a delight the screendoor is! That's great that you started a business with the plants that you have propagated. Its always hard for me to throw away little plants and branches that I know will grow and take off to a new huge plant. All in all you are having fun and truly enjoying gardening! Thanks for sharing!

    1. marlenemullet 07/25/2015

      Thanks for your nice comments!:)

  14. candicedirckzeperera 07/27/2015

    beautiful. i just love it

  15. foxglove12 07/30/2015

    Very beautiful! Love the corydalis and that walkway through the gate. Great job.

  16. thevioletfern 07/30/2015

    Beautiful! I secretly long for shade and I am certain I will have it as I have planted so many trees on my small lot. I am drawn to shade and woodland gardens - yours is so lovely - such a great combination of foliage and texture. Congratulations on your dream come true. If I lived close I would be sure to visit!

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