Garden Photo of the Day

A renovated cottage and reclaimed perennials

Not only has this cottage has been skillfully renovated, reclaimed perennials add a unique touch of community history!

"This urban cottage garden within the city of Big Lake, Minnesota is owned by Sue and Barry Nelson. Two years ago they purchased a 100 year old cottage and renovated it using the original floor plan and dropped siding. Reclaimed perennials were used from houses being torn down in the area. Then they added more plants. A large deck with a three season porch was added, an ideal spot for enjoying the yard. A workshop for husband Barry and a garage completed the project. Barry's artistic talents are evident in the unique structures placed throughout their property. Bolders border the pathways and the goal of no grass to mow was achieved. Unfortunately, their large lily collection had already bloomed when these pictures were taken."

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  1. User avater
    HelloFromMD 08/19/2015

    Wow, you all are set up for your practical needs and surrounded by beauty! So great when you have the living space you want, indoor and outdoor, and an artistic setting for it. Would like to see more close up shots and next time your lily collection!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/19/2015

    Looks like a wonderfully successful project, Sue and Barry. You're obviously people who aren't afraid of expressing themselves with bold and playful displays of color and interesting architectural touches. I feel like I can discern string lighting along the outline of your patio so you must enjoy sitting out there in the evening as nice!

  3. Quiltingmamma 08/19/2015

    What a wonderful exuberant and eclectic space. I love these little cottages and dream of having one of my own some day. The front perennial garden is just perfect for the cottage. Is that Ronald McDonald waving at us? Fun. I love the shots of colour and many of Barry's art pieces in the gardens. Thanks for sharing.

  4. wGardens 08/19/2015

    Such a fun garden! Love your creativity. Do send more photos. I have the feeling there is much more to see! Great bold colors, interesting structural accents!

  5. sheila_schultz 08/19/2015

    Sue and Barry... if you were going for a home that oozes charm, screams 'WELCOME' and brings a smile to the passersby, you've done it in spades! I love the comfort of your gardens and I'm wild about every detail in your backyard! The colors and whimsey of your designs, Barry, are unbelievably fun!!! I would LOVE to see more detailed photos! Please?
    Question... is that a massive smoker in the last photo?

  6. eddireid 08/19/2015

    Who doesn't love quaint cottages, pretty garden sheds and all things bright and fun? They beg us to go out and play. You have created your grown up Wendy House. If I lived in your neighborhood I would have to plot my walks so that your house became a frequent treat.
    Thank you for sharing, please continue with your projects and send pictures. Wonderful treat.

  7. soilsister8 08/19/2015

    I love your exhaust smoke stack to take the majority of the BBQ smoke up and away from your living area. What a GREAT set up!

  8. GrannyCC 08/20/2015

    What a delightful cottage and garden. You are both very creative and artistic people.

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