Garden Photo of the Day

Kathy studies fall in detail in Massachusetts

Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink

OK, back to normal. Today’s photos are from Kathy Fink. We featured Kathy’s garden back in August. (Refresh your memory HERE).

Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink

She says, “At this time of year, I like to get out and look at the tapestries of color but also at the individual compositions and colors in the leaves themselves. I made a photo study of the Japanese maple leaves in my garden and then decided to walk around my neighborhood in Arlington, Massachusetts.

Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink

“I kept discovering extraordinary gems and jewels like in a museum but with no price of admission. I hope to never take the remarkable transformation of my tea hut path for granted (spring and fall views included). Even the shadows of leaves cast on the tea hut window were alive with Fall Feeling this year.”

Gorgeous shots, Kathy! Thanks for sharing your walkabout with us.

Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink
Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink
Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink
Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink
Photo: Courtesy of Kathy Fink

 ** Reminder: New email address for photo submissions: [email protected]. ***

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/01/2012

    Hmmm, those pictures are mesmerizing...such exquisite detail. It's a gift to have the photographer focus the viewer's eye so we do take that moment to notice nature's delicacy. The final photo is very soul soothing. Thank you, Kathy

  2. kcmom 11/01/2012

    Simply beautiful. Thank you for reminding us that the beauty of fall -or any season- can be found in the small, immediate, close up views, not just lovely long vistas.

    Several of those photos beg to become art quilts!

  3. hortiphila 11/01/2012

    Kathy, thanks so much for sharing your exquisite observation of autumn! I too enjoy the dynamics of the garden, this ephemeral quality reminds me to take time to savor each leaf that falls, look forward to the silent settling of snow on bare branches, the ensuing renewal of spring with its ethereal appeal and the fragrance of summer roses. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. tractor1 11/01/2012

    I love fall. Each fall a few leaves from my red maple blow into my garage and I leave them there as a reminder throughout winter. Kathy's compositions are quite remarkable and the detail is stunning, thank you.

    Here is my favorite spruce tree, a 65th birthday gift:

  5. soilgoil 11/02/2012

    The gardener as artist...lovely, Kathy. Thank you!

  6. janecky 05/11/2021

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