Garden Photo of the Day

Kathie’s springtime garden in Virginia

Magnolia tree (as tall as the house) – full of damage-free blooms since there’s been no frost…very lucky, this doesn’t happen often

Today's photos are from my old friend Kathie Coyne down in Clifton, Virginia (previous post HERE). Kathie says, "Fortunately there’s been no freeze this year so everything is gorgeous. Although I’ve taken a gazillion photos, these are probably the best ones." Dreamy, Kathie!! That magnolia….I think I would put a chaise under it and spend a few hours gazing upward.

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It is cherry blossom time, and mine bloomed on schedule.  This is taken out my front door.

Cherry blossoms close up

Bleeding heart – just coming up

Tulips – new this year, and the bunnies didn’t get them!

Hyacinth, and orange pansies amidst the daffodils

Random red tulip

Tulips – almost Hokie colored!

Front walk – phlox, tulips, daffodils, pansies, 'Stella D’Oro' daylilies, tiger lily sprouts, etc.

Close up of phlox and pink tulips.

View 15 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/21/2015

    As a confirmed and unrepentant phloxaholic, I very much enjoyed seeing your sea of vibrant pink ...nothing says spring is really here like the Easter egg colors of phlox. And, oh, yes, what a treasure your magnificent magnolia is. I know that feeling of relief and unbridled delight when Mother Nature is kind and doesn't louse things up with an unwelcome late frost.

  2. wGardens 04/21/2015

    Lovely! That magnolia is spectacular! So glad you're having a nice Spring. The bed of phlox sure is an eye-catcher! The species tulips are some of my faves- Thanks for sharing!

  3. VikkiVA 04/21/2015

    Hi neighbor! I'm down in the Tidewater area of Virginia. Your blooms are bodacious and how wonderful that this Spring you get to enjoy the undamaged beauty of that Magnolia Tree. Your creeping phlox is so lovely. Vikki in VA

  4. NCYarden 04/21/2015

    How delightful; Spring for sure. You're very fortunate with your beautiful Magnolia. And wow, how did you avoid the freeze? We had two back to back here in NC which did wreck my Magnolia (brown handkerchiefs everywhere), along with some other damage scattered throughout the garden. Mother Nature is definitely smiling on you. Your garden is alive with color, and it's pleasant to see.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/21/2015

    Gorgeous, Kathie. I just stared at the cherry blossom photo for a long time and was sure it was the best photo until I saw that peachy-pink tulip in the sea of magenta-pink phlox. They clash so good! and it really sets off that twisty crayon-green tulip foliage. It's definitely art. We've had gorgeous magnolias in Columbus, too, because of that rare blessing of freeze-free spring. Thanks for sharing.

  6. greengenes 04/21/2015

    Your place is the ultimate spring fling! All the fresh colors are breathtakingly beautiful! Great shots, too. I love the magnolia! Thanks for sharing with us, Kathy!

  7. GrannyMay 04/21/2015

    Thank you Kathie! Your peachy pink magnolia is stunning! Cherry blossoms, tulips, moss phlox and hyacinths were always the traditional flowers of spring, guaranteed to chase away the winter blahs!

  8. Nurserynotnordstroms 04/21/2015

    Katie,wow Spring has sprung in your gardens,it's magnifisant and stunningly gorgeous with all of that color. Even for me a person who isn't a color person( my favorite colors taupe and black)you put a smile on my face when I saw your pops of Spring color and combinations. I hope you have time to sit relax and enjoy the magic you have created in your gardens. No more playing in the dirt for me today,back to work more play just indoors and I don't get dirty.

  9. schatzi 04/21/2015

    Since I am all about flowers I love your pictures. Gorgeous! And that magnolia is magnificent. The tulip (hokie) looks like Princess Irene, one of my favorites. Glad you are finally having a beautiful spring.

  10. sheila_schultz 04/21/2015

    Okay, I'm grinning from ear to ear because I think I've just been in the middle of a color explosion! Now those are SPRING PHOTOS! I thank you, Katie, and I can just imagine that your neighbors and anyone that is driving by your home thanks you, too!

  11. perenniallycrazy 04/21/2015

    What an absolutely exuberant and vibrant Spring garden Kathie! Glad Spring has arrived in your area.

  12. Meelianthus 04/21/2015

    Beautiful, beautiful colors Kathie. Those little pink tulips are so stunning. What a joy to have so many blossoms everywhere!

  13. MichelleGervais 04/21/2015

    FYI, when Kathie says the tulips are almost Hokie colored, she's referring to the colors, maroon and orange, of the college we both attended, Virginia Tech. Go Hokies!!

    1. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/22/2015

      Thanks for the clarification! I sort of wondered what a Hokie was, but thought maybe it was something I should have known! So why Hokie?

  14. user-7007327 04/21/2015

    Oh, so pretty. The phlox is a stunner.Thanks.

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