Garden Photo of the Day

Biyuan’s garden in New Jersey

Today's photos are from Biyuan Yang, who says, "I have been a fan of Fine Gardening for many years. I finally got my own garden when I moved to my current home in Livingston, New Jersey, in the fall of 2009. These are pictures of my driveway from 2010 to 2012. The Japanese maple tree was moved there from another location in my front yard. Last year I had a new bed dug, so that my front yard is all surrounded by borders now. This year I plan to add some evergreen shrubs so that my garden will be more structured." It's such a happy garden, Biyuan! So, so pretty. Keep us posted with updates this year!

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View 22 comments


  1. perenniallycrazy 04/24/2015

    Positively flower-rific Biyuan! What are the flowers in the first photo? Dreamy.

    1. bsaylor 04/24/2015

      Persian jewels (nigella damascena)

  2. susan749 04/24/2015


  3. michaeljgoltzman 04/24/2015

    Great work. Jealous of the delphiniums!

  4. wGardens 04/24/2015

    Love the Nigella! Many times, I have them reseed to the following year. Lots of exuberant color~ and those bi-color Iris, wow! Gotta love those too. Thanks for sharing!

  5. bsaylor 04/24/2015

    Plant combinations, and use of annuals: spectacular.

  6. jerrysiss 04/24/2015

    Great job. Keep up with the maintenance though. I find that the relaxing part. Forget about everything else, put my headphones on and shut out the world.

  7. NCYarden 04/24/2015

    What an adorable garden. Excellent color and textures - I just love the wild mix. Will be great to see your incorporation of the evergreens...very exciting. Thanks for sharing.

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/24/2015

    What fun for you, Biyuan, when giving directions to your house to be able to end with the sentence, "And it'll be the one with all the colorful flowers!" Your Japanese maple has a lovely form and I'm so glad it survived its transplant...looks like you have relocated it in a wonderful spot.

  9. user-3282241 04/24/2015

    Having flower envy looking at this! Woke up to snow covered ground this am in Vermont!!

  10. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/24/2015

    Great borders and super colors. The nigella photo is really stunning and I love the big, upright cups of the Campanula. It's fun to keep adjusting the garden, so keep having fun with your new plans!

  11. greengenes 04/24/2015

    Color, color everywhere! I have to say that I love it all! It seems like its right out of my grandmothers garden! I especially like the larkspur. Iam trying to start some larkspur seed in the house for this summer but it isn't doing well at all so hopefully I can find the plants in the stores. Do those reseed themselves? Your iris are beautiful! Iam sure it smells really good too! Well thanks for sharing your love of gardening and I can almost smell them!

  12. GrannyMay 04/24/2015

    Love that Nigella! Biyuan, it looks like you are having fun with your garden, trying all the annuals and perennials that you like and gradually deciding what want to add for more permanent structure. Good job! A happy garden to come home to!

  13. sheila_schultz 04/24/2015

    Your gardens are an absolute delight, Biyuan... I love the riot of colors! You must smile every time you look outside your door! I would also guess that the little neighbor kids have a great deal of fun trying to sneak in and pick bouquets for their Moms ;)

  14. user-7007140 04/24/2015

    Very, very pretty! I love all the colors and flowers - like a tapestry. Great work, thank you for now spurring us on to plant more!

  15. GrannyCC 04/24/2015

    Lovely garden Biyuan. You have done a wonderful job keeping the colour and interest through the seasons.

  16. Meelianthus 04/24/2015

    Great photos and so much wondrous color Biyuan. You have done a beautiful job with your mixtures of flowers. Your Echinacea look so healthy, a flower I have never had any luck with unfortunately. You certainly light up your neighborhood I'm sure. Thanks for the peek.

  17. schatzi 04/24/2015

    Beautiful happy garden. I especially love the blues and pink/purples of the Nigella and Delphiniums. Great color combination. I keep my delphiniums in half barrels on my deck to keep the slugs out of them. Your delphinium bed is awesome. Enjoy.

  18. user-7007327 04/25/2015

    Biyuan, you have artistic abilities. Love all the many colors.

  19. maryannborcherding 04/25/2015

    One of my favorite spring flowers is Nigella. It is such a pretty blue airy fun creature. They seed like crazy, but are easy to pull up if they start to overtake the garden. Lovely garden!

  20. Cenepk10 04/25/2015

    Yes ! It is happy ! And progressing along ! I enjoyed seeing your pics & look forward to more. It's exciting when a newish garden starts performing as you visualize it in your head. Really love the way you've enclosed your garden from the street. It's coming into its own !!!

  21. JD39 04/27/2015

    wow! you did all this in only 1-3 years?!? absolutely lovely! I'd better get busy... :)

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