Garden Photo of the Day

Julie’s stress-relieving garden in Minnesota

Today’s photos are from Julie Ann Rogalla. She says, “Here are some photos of my gardens here in central Minnesota, taken just a few days ago.

We had a very long 2013-2014 winter. Many of the trees and vines didn’t do well. However, we received several feet of snow which provided ample insulation thru the severe cold temps and great moisture for the spring thaw. We also received heavy spring rains which resulted in wonderful plant growth this spring.

I’m a full time real estate agent. The busier I am at work, the more I garden! It’s free therapy for me.”

So many comfy places to sit and so many colorful plantings, Julie! You’ve created a beautiful haven from a busy life. I almost missed your little pup–adorable! Thanks so much for sharing.

Keep sending me your garden photos, folks! I’m getting some AWESOME submissions, but I can always use tons more! Email me at [email protected]. Thanks! –Michelle

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/10/2014

    Your gardening style intrigues me, are fearless with your bold pattern choices in your pillows and fabric ornamentation. I see lots of hospitality opportunities being extended to your feathered visitors as well as your human guests which says a lot about your warm and welcoming nature. I love those giant hosta that so dramatically accent the pathway to the door...they make your kitty look so diminutive.

  2. perenniallycrazy 07/10/2014

    I see a Bohemian style of gardening Julie! Anyway, I love your motto: "The more I am at work, the more I garden!" You should have a custom gardening shirt silkscreened with that. I thought I should share this sign that I saw at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show earlier this year.... Thanks and please check in again Julie.

  3. greengenes 07/10/2014

    Its all very creative, Julie. I love every picture. Its fun to make little garden rooms and you have done quite well. Yes, gardening is therapy! And iam so glad you made it through the ruff winter you had back there! I felt so bad for all of you who garden. Have a wonderful summer and thanks so much for the inspiration! I was going to hang some large curtains on our porch today and you really confirmed the use of them!!!

  4. annek 07/10/2014

    What a FUN garden! It seems that I could look at each photo several times and still miss a piece of your whimsy. The sentry hostas on either side of your pathway provide a great border and I am still studying your comfy seating and picket fence in what looks to be the backyard. Charming!

  5. MNGardenGirl 07/10/2014

    So beautiful and creative! Your pictures make me want to come and visit.

  6. GrannyMay 07/10/2014

    Julie there is nothing boring about your gardens! The covered, carpeted (I think?), curtained and fenced path to what appears to be the front door, is only the beginning of an amazing collection of garden accessories. I can just make out assorted birdhouses, birdcages, lamps and lanterns, and your rustic "Little House" with its cushions, curtains and see-through screen wings is straight out of a fairytale! And all this appears to be just a small part of a large property. Therapy for sure! You must be smiling all the time you are out there!

  7. eddireid 07/10/2014

    What an absolutely wonderful place! All those little nooks and comfy places to rest whilst you contemplate the next task. I love it. Well done Julie - long live gardening.

  8. Nurserynotnordstroms 07/10/2014

    Beautiful,even though you lost some plants due to inclement weather, it is still very lovely thank you for sharing your gardens this morning. I love all of the places to sit and relax. We are in the process of removing more lawn to put a flagstone patio to relax on. If you are like me though while sitting I think of all of the new projects we can do next. That's the fun of gardening the gardens are always evolving. Happy gardening to you Julie

  9. tonygcastaneda 07/14/2014

    My Uncle
    Riley got an almost new red GMC Canyon just by some parttime working online
    with a laptop. visit their website C­a­s­h­f­i­g­.­C­O­M­

  10. Adalar 03/17/2022

    Very beautiful garden! I like so much

  11. Oos0yaeZo 03/21/2022

    You are well done! The garden is very beautiful

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