It’s turning out to be the week of revisiting old friends! Never hurts to get a second look at our favorite gardens, eh? Today’s photos are from Jan Meissner in Avon, Ohio. We last visited Jan’s garden in February (refresh your memory HERE) and several times before that (here, here, & here).

Today she’s showing us some of her containers from this season. Jan says, “Last Saturday I officially cut down all the pots and was feeling a little like I was saying goodbye to my summer camp friends. I thought I’d share my memories now that the leaves are falling. I actually ate that pineapple after it ripened and it was the sweetest pineapple I ever had in my life.”

I think it’s safe to say that you’re just as talented with a container as you are with a patch of bare earth, Jan. Amazing!

**Since we last saw Jan, she wrote a regional report for the magazine! You can check out her recommendations on plants with four seasons of interest for Midwestern gardens in the November/December 2012 issue, out now. Fun! Also, Jan says that her blog has changed quite a bit, too, so go for a visit. (Green Thumb Blonde)**

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I enjoy the daily pix very much. Beautiful and very helpful! Several times I have tried to move the photos to Pinterest since you provide that link. They will not transfer. Could you please help? Thanks
Love them all, Jan. Your pictures show a great mix of colors and textures and the always appreciated sense of humor with the face pot adorned with cascading soft green locks.
So pretty. I have always wondered if the pineapple plants sold with the houseplants would taste as good as the supermarket varieties. Thanks for the info.
susanc648, it looks like the Pinterest button on the GPOD page isn't working quite right, but if you have a "pin it" button/link in your browser bookmarks (you have to get that from the Pinterest website), you just have to select the image you want and then click on the bookmark.
Oh, and I love the statue with the hair! I just pinned it on my Pinterest boards.
Nice combinations! I, too, like the gorgeous female bust with flowing burro's tail coming down her face. Such a talent you are!
I love your color combinations...especially in photo 2.
The plant cascading out of the concrete bust is a very artistic touch. Well done. I am not a big fan of growing plants in containers, they just seem like too much work for me. Had a look at your blog...your gardens are beautiful.
Great grouping of containers, Jan. Beautiful colors and textures... and you know I'm wild about your 'girl'! Is she one of the 'Stoneface' creations? The bowl with that gorgeous blue interior glaze definitely makes everything pop! Isn't it sad to look out and see a naked patio?
Jan, your containers are beautifully composed; love the turquoise glazed pot. Add me to the fans of the burro-tail lady (her "hair" looks amazingly like mine when the curls just won't behave!) Regarding cleaning out containers - I feel ya, we've had our killing frost and that's my project for the weekend. It's a bit sad right now to see my pots full of brown crinkly plants.....
Sheila, even though your containers may be done, your deck/patio is still so lovely on it's own! You've got to post your "shoe gallery!"
Thank you all. Plant_Paradise, after seeing all your space I can see why pots would not be your thing. You are blessed with so much room. And you grow things from scratch! I realize the reason I need pots in my life is I'm always wanting something different from the year before, but I'm out of room. I have to take home something from the nursery in the spring or it doesn't seem like spring.
Oh, the stone face girl I got at a nursery called Daisy Hill on the east side of Cleveland a few years ago. The glazed pot was from Smith and Hawken, who's demise was like losing a good friend.
susanc648: To save a picture simply right click on the picture and then click "save picture as", then open your picture file and 'save' the picture to a file. It's best to first enlarge the picture to it's largest size.
Jan's pots are gorgeous. I can't choose a favorite... I like the stone face but I also like that you grew a pineapple. Pineapples (bromeliads) are native to Central America. They were brought to Hawaii about 1900 in an attempt at farming. As it turned out over time Hawaii's real estate became much too valuable for farming so nowadays most pinapple are grown in the Philappines. Field ripened pineapple are too fragile to ship so about the only place one can taste fresh field ripened pineapple is near to where they are grown. The pinepple one finds at US mainland markets were picked green and once picked pineapple does not ripen further, instead they ferment, they seem to become a bit sweeter but actually do not produce more sugar... they should be eaten within about three days or they will become rotten. Jan's pineapple was so sweet because it had ripened on her plant. Store your store bought pineapple leaves down, gravity will redistribute the fruit's sugar more equally throughout. The vast majority of field ripened pineapple are canned. The bromelin in pineapple is used as a meat tenderizer, if you value your lips, when preparing pineapple do not suck the juice or attempt to eat the clinging flesh from pineapple rinds... most of the bromelin is concentrated just beneath the rind, it will shred your lips.
tractor1, thanks for the pineapple explanation. Seems like the same process of ripening is true for many fruits, whether it's the apples picked fresh from my little tree in Ohio or the kumquats from my Tampa garden, you just can't beat fresh picked. I can't wait to plant another pineapple next year. Although I have to say after I ate it I really missed it as my pot centerpiece.
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