Garden Photo of the Day

Jackie’s spring garden in Michigan

Garden in 2005. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich

The gardens we’ve been sharing lately have definitely gotten us yearning for summer, but today’s garden might actually give us some hope that spring is around the corner. These photos are courtesy of Jackie Stasevich in Michigan.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich

Jackie says, “My family home and garden is in rural west Michigan in a stand of mature mixed hardwood. I have a pretty shady spot in which to garden and I love the cool greenery in the summer.

Naturalized dog tooth violets. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich

“Spring is my favorite time in the garden as each day has some new treasure popping out of the ground. I am a local 4H poultry leader and have quite a few chickens, guinea fowl and a goose. Consequently, I also have some GREAT compost to use in my garden and the guineas are the best bug control. I’m obviously pining away for spring.”

Hellebores and epimedium. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich

Thanks, Jackie, for this little boost. Your garden is beautiful, and you have a gorgeous collection of woodland treasures. Groundhog day is TOMORROW, so we’ll know soon if spring is on the way!

White windflowers-Anemone blanda. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich

****Sincere thanks to everyone who sent me gardening tips earlier this week. The winner of the book 50 Ways to Kill a Slug was Ellen Garvey. Congrats, Ellen! The book is in the mail as we speak.

I’ll be doing another book giveaway soon–stay tuned!

Fritillaria pallidiflora. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich
Fairy bells. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich
Trillium grandiflora-a favorite deer treat. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich
Fanny the goose. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich
Smilacina with berries. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich
Tiarella, celandine poppy, hosta, and ferns. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich
Jackie’s glass garden. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jackie Stasevich

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View 14 comments


  1. tractor1 02/01/2013

    A fantastic woodland garden, my kind of garden, natural and serene.

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/01/2013

    Great setting and great plants! Your trillium are beautiful and so healthy. Too bad they are also tasty!

  3. lovemyyard 02/01/2013

    I Love, love, love this. It looks so effortless, although I know it is not. I bet the fairies play here!

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/01/2013

    There's something so appealing about a naturalized woodland have plants nestled in by composting leaves is as Mother Nature intended it to be. The happy daisy like faces of the windflowers really light up the ground and are very charming. A walk through your flower dotted woodland setting would be a real treat. I have some hellebores that have been open for about 2 weeks so I know spring will be here before I know it.

  5. mainer59 02/01/2013

    The first photo looks like a serene painting. Thank you for the captions with the names of the flowers. I like the glass garden in a green setting. Are they made of several pieces stacked and glued? Are guineas truly garden friendly? I had free range chickens but had to pen them after they did a lot of damage to my gardens.

  6. margotnavarre 02/01/2013

    I enjoy the spring woodland treasures and adore the fritillary pallidiflora-how many years has that been growing in your garden? I am enjoying the snowdrops in my northwest garden and looking forward to more plants in my woodland garden. Your garden is amazing and inspiring. Thank you.

  7. siesperanza 02/01/2013

    I love this fairy garden and am curious about the glass garden as well.

  8. Wife_Mother_Gardener 02/01/2013

    Beautiful! So many woodland treasures.

  9. wGardens 02/01/2013

    Spring is also my favorite time of year. This is lovely. Thanks for sharing!

  10. user-7006902 02/01/2013

    What an enchanting garden. I love your glass spires. The light is truly magical. I can feel the mojo. I have been looking at some of these very same plants this morning (dreaming through catalogs) especially Solomon's Plume - love that you have captured the berries. I'm sold. Celandine poppies popped up in my garden. More are welcome!

  11. user-7006946 02/01/2013

    A beautiful garden! I bet you have a terrible time with deer, though. I'm afraid that goes with woodlands. I was surprised at the last picture with the glass totems--I have been making those garden ornaments for about seven years and selling lots locally here through various craft shows. I don't think any of mine have made it to Michigan, but those sure look like mine! It was fun to see them!

  12. thegardenlady 02/02/2013

    Love your woodland garden and also the glass features. Thanks for naming your plants in the photos. You've given me some ideas, so thanks for that too!

  13. pattyspencer 02/02/2013

    Love love love your garden! Especially your glass garden! I think I see fairies too and they seem very very happy.

  14. skevanston 02/02/2013

    Oooohhh! The sight of the trout lilies and trilliums are so SPRING for us here in Chicago. In the forest preserves where countless volunteer hours have removed the invasive buckthorn and opened the woodland floor to sunlight, the trails abound with these native plants!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely garden.

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