Garden Photo of the Day

Highlights of Linda’s Garden

A few favorite flowers

Today we’re in Orange, Massachusetts, visiting Linda Gelinas and her beautiful garden.

bright shade gardenIn bright shade, hostas (Hosta hybrids, Zones 3–9) and daylilies (Hemerocallis hybrids, Zones 4–9) can thrive together, creating an easy-to-care-for carpet of perennials that looks good all season.

daylily Old King ColeHybrid daylily ‘Old King Cole’ with large flowers intricately patterned in various shades of pink.

Daylily MattDaylily ‘Matt’ with ruffled flowers delicately shaded in peach and yellow.

Petunia Pretty Much PicassoPetunia ‘Pretty Much Picasso’ (annual). This unusual variety has flowers edged in green. The individual blooms last an exceptionally long time, creating an impressive flower display.

birds nestGardeners who are careful to make their gardens a welcoming habitat for wildlife will be rewarded. Here, the reward is a bird’s nest with three beautiful blue eggs.

orange azaleaMost familiar azaleas (Rhododendron spp. and cvs.) are evergreen, but there are also deciduous varieties, which specialize in strong yellow and orange colors, as seen here. This may be the variety ‘Gibraltar’ or another similar hybrid.

shade gardenThe shade garden mixes a wide range of foliage colors and textures for season-long interest, and it takes advantage of the fact that many vigorous daylilies will grow and bloom well in partial-shade conditions.

tree stump as plant standAn old tree stump has been turned into a plant stand.


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  1. Rebeccazone7 12/01/2020

    Love the bird nest shot and also the tree stump planter. Still quite envious of locations that have rocks. I've had to snitch them from various road

    1. btucker9675 12/01/2020

      Laughed at your road trips rock gathering statement. I also love rocks so when we moved to this house, other homes were still being built and we went from lot to lot picking up the rocks unearthed by the heavy equipment - ended up with hundreds. Neighbors across the street put in a pool and had solid rock that had to be pulverized - we scored lots more from them! : ) I was in my happy place!

      1. Rebeccazone7 12/01/2020

        Totally jealous.

  2. PattyLouise 12/01/2020

    Beautiful! Can't beat the happiness of daylilies!

  3. User avater
    treasuresmom 12/01/2020

    Hum, I think I need to try daylilies in some shade.

  4. User avater
    bdowen 12/01/2020

    That orange azalea is certainly eye-catching! People walking by probably stop and walk back to enjoy its cheery brightness. Thanks for sharing your garden.

  5. User avater
    simplesue 12/01/2020

    A beautiful garden! Amazing how you have the Daylilies and the hostas in a grouping- they look amazing together!
    Your ‘Gibraltar’ Azalea is fabulous! I didn't even know what it was until I read the caption- it's so different look, so tropical!

  6. User avater
    cynthia2020 12/01/2020

    Linda - I like your azaleas and lilies and notice how you have different textures and heights of plants in your garden. And what's not to like about robin eggs! I was so lucky to have a nest down low on a tangle of vines straddling a fence one year. Peeked in once or twice without stressing the parents too much.

    1. User avater
      cynthia2020 12/01/2020

      Er, or bluebird eggs?

  7. btucker9675 12/01/2020

    What a lovely garden - day lilies will forever be among my very favorite plants.

  8. carolineyoungwilliams 12/01/2020

    Thank you for sharing Linda. You have a beautiful garden. I especially love the orange Azalea. Keep up the great work.

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