Podcast: Let's Argue About Plants

Episode 45: Plants for Wildlife

Want to attract more birds to your garden? Then we’ve got the plants for you

When we sat down to plan out this episode, Steve asked, “So what kind of wildlife are we talking about here?” Good question. As it turned out, we decided to focus mainly on plants that attract a plethora of birds to a landscape. So rest assured—this isn’t a podcast about how to get more deer and voles to show up. We briefly touch on some general principles for attracting feathered friends before launching into descriptions of specific plants that are loved by birds of all sorts. Holly Scoggins then shares a hilarious story in expert testimony about her battle (and eventual peace) with birds on her blueberry farm in Virginia. Listen now to be educated—but mostly amused! 

Expert testimony: Holly Scoggins is an associate professor of horticulture at Virginia Tech University.




Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis, Zones 4–8)

Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida, Zones 5–8)

*cultivar ‘Appalachian Spring’ is anthracnose-resistant

Mexican sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia, annual)

Lemony Lace® elderberry (Sambucus racemosa ‘SMNSRD4’, Zones 3–8)



Winterberry holly (Ilex verticillata, Zones 3–9)

Black and red chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa, Zones 3–9 and A. arbutifolia, Zones 4–9)

Giant coneflower (Rudbeckia maxima, Zones 4–9)



Mexican sunflower


Lemony Lace® elderberry


Giant coneflower


Flowering dogwood


Winterberry holly




Red chokeberry



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  1. user-7537887 09/20/2019

    The wildflowers around us are beautiful and very rich. Thank you for sharing. mapquest driving directions

  2. markrey214 10/13/2021


    WOW.. thank you for sharing. more power to you guys.

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