Garden Photo of the Day

Gardening for a Wedding

White flowers and tropical foliage complete the look

Today’s photos come from Dusanka Marusic.

I wanted to go tropical in New York for our son’s wedding. This end-of-summer garden came together with some last-minute tweaking. Oleander and elephant ears won’t make it to spring in our zone. I’ll try to dig them out and see if I have any luck saving them. The morning glory seeds went wild and overtook the climbing hyacinth beans. The holly took hold and offers privacy from the busy street traffic. The native river birch frame both sides of the property.

I added the fall planters for the wedding and went digging and cutting from the back garden to add to the planters. I also added more plants from NYC flower market finds.

white cone flowersThese white coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea, Zones 3–9) and white lily turf (Liriope spicata, Zones 4–10) are certainly suitable for a wedding.

white flowered morning gloryA huge white-flowered morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea, annual). Easily grown from seed, morning glories will quickly cover a structure with foliage and flowers.

morning glory flowersClose-up of the morning glory flowers.

holly hedgeA holly hedge provides privacy screening for this beautiful brick patio area.

Planters filled with arrangements made from cuttings from the garden are augmented with finds from a little flower-market shopping.

fall flower arrangementClose-up of one of the arrangements.

elephant earsTropical elephant ears (Colocasia, Zones 8–10) and white-flowered annuals make perfect tropical wedding décor.

Close-up of the planting.

monarch butterflyWedding guests are not the only visitors, as a monarch butterfly stops by for a little refueling.


More about creating fall containers

Making Creative Fall Containers

Building the Perfect Fall Container

Containers That Keep Kicking Into Fall


Have a garden you’d like to share?

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View 12 comments


  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/11/2019

    Love those containers! Can you tell me what the purple flower is in the pic with the monarch? Which holly is that? I have several & love how they screen too.

    1. Dusanka 11/05/2019

      its an aster but Im so bad at the names. I f I find the holly type Ill post it. They screen a busy neighborhood walk route so I don't see everyone when I open my front door.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/11/2019

    You did a really fabulous job on those welcoming generously sized planters. In fact, I can imagine they would slow up "traffic" a bit as people walked past them...they definitely deserve a second glance of appreciation!

  3. wittyone 10/11/2019

    I always admire people who go for outdoor weddings and especially ones at a family home. You have to be an optimist to even consider one-----June seems feasible in terms of weather and flower possibilities but an outdoor wedding in the fall is something else again. Congratulations on a job well done.

  4. User avater
    simplesue 10/11/2019

    Love that brick patio and wall with the Holly hedge! It's gunna be a gorgeous setting for a wedding. The Elephant Ears look great in that area- so tropical!

  5. btucker9675 10/11/2019

    Must have been a gorgeous wedding - hope the monarch didn't show up all of the women's dresses by being so naturally beautiful! : ) Your garden is lovely - especially that wonderful brick patio area. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Cenepk10 10/11/2019

    How lovely - How loving as well to create such a gorgeous backdrop for a wedding!!!! Quite a gift. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Dusanka 11/05/2019

    Just seeing your comments today. You are all so generous with your kind words. As parents of the groom we got to host the rehearsal diner and after wedding BBQ. I so enjoyed preparing and sharing. Thank YOU, D

  8. EthanMWhite 11/13/2020

    Hi, I love gardening and especially I love to take pictures of beautiful flowers. Actually, I have been working for an online photography service. We have our head office located in Kenya. You can read more about us by visiting wedding photographers in Kenya link.

  9. pint760 08/01/2023

    Hey, our wedding ceremony is planned next week and it's better option to arrange event in a beautiful garden. The problem we're facing is about photographers as we're unable to find photographer in Arlington that's truly specialize in wedding photography. One of my colleague suggest me this website to hire photographer but we need more options to choose best out of it. Anyone can please suggest?

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