Podcast: Let's Argue About Plants

Episode 24: Plants New to Us

We discuss little-know cultivars that piqued our interest at the annual Fine Gardening Super Cool Plant Sale


Steve and Danielle sit down to discuss plants that really got them fired up from the recent FG Plant Sale. Some are little-known cultivars, some are brand new varieties. There were several interesting shade plants that captured the attention of the podcast hosts, some interesting new ornamental grasses, and some plants that sold out so quickly, they’ll forever be known as “the ones that got away.” Find out what plants were worth spending an entire paycheck on in this new episode. (And sorry for the delay in new episodes guys! We’ve been really busy with the sale and photographing gardens around the U.S. and Canada for next year’s magazine issues. Thanks for the patience!).

Expert Gary Lewis, owner of Phoenix Perennials in Richmond, British Columbia.





Steve convinced Danielle to buy ‘Everillo’ carex (Carex oshimensis ‘Everillo’, Zones 5-10) in a shocking turn of events. The once carex-hater seems to have some around to this tougher, easier-to-care-for cultivar.


Fairly new to the market, ‘Pearly White’ painted fern (Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Pearly White’, Zones 4-8) absolutely glows in the shade. It appears to have more white and silver coloring to its fronds, making it more luminescent than the straight species.


‘El Dorado’ feather reed grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘El Dorado’, Zones 4-9) was on Steve’s must-have list because of its unique gold, white and green variegated blades. However, Assitant Editor Carol Collins beat him to the purchasing punch.


Danielle, Steve, and Carol pose at the end of a long, hot day of plant sale madness. Carol is smiling and Steve is pouting due to the aforementioned battle over the beautiful ‘El Dorado’ feather reed grass.




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