Kitchen Gardening

Eight Great Tomatoes from 2018

What were the top tomatoes in your vegetable garden this season? Here are the eight great varieties that made this summer especially tomatoey for me.

Here's the tomato line-up for 2018, starting top left and clockwise: Pink Brandywine, Black Krim, Amana Orange, Costoluto Genovese, Garden Peach, Piennolo Del Vesuvio; inside left Midnight Snack and Black from Tula.
Photo/Illustration: Jodi Torpey

This season’s tomato roundup includes a few familiar favorites and a few new-to-me varieties that I plan to grow again. Each of these eight tomatoes satisfied a certain requirement in my garden.

Some were easy to grow, while others matured quickly for faster eating. The late-season tomatoes had incredible flavor even if there were fewer on the vine. Here are my eight great and colorful tomato favorites for 2018 – in case you’d like to give them a try in your garden:

Pink Brandywine (Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds) 80 days; heirloom and potato-leaf tomato, large fruits that are a beautiful pink color; a smaller yield, but the flavor is worth it.

Black Krim (saved seeds) 80 days; heirloom tomato that I absolutely have to grow every year; gorgeous dark purple fruits with deep smoky flavor.

Garden Peach (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange) 75 days; heirloom tomato that’s yellow with a hint of pink reminiscent of a summer peach; great flavor and a good producer.

Costoluto Genovese (Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds) 80 days; deeply fluted tomatoes with a rich red color; extremely flavorful and excellent production. Can be seedy, but are attractive when sliced.

Amana Orange (Totally Tomatoes) 90 days; a favorite heirloom for all of its attributes: vibrant orange color, deep tomato flavor, beefsteak size, dense flesh.

Piennolo Del Vesuvio (Portland Seed House) 70 days; one of the oldest tomatoes and a traditional tomato of the Vesuvius region of Italy. Slightly plum-shaped red tomatoes with intense sweet-to-sour flavor.

Midnight Snack (All-America Selections) 65 days; one of the AAS 2017 vegetable winners for its purple coloring, great taste, cherry-tomato size and ease of growing.

Black from Tula (Seed Savers Exchange) 75-85 days; heirloom tomato that’s brownish-red with slightly green shoulders; deep rich tomato flavor on par with Black Krim.

If you had a favorite tomato this season, please share the details with us! We’d love to grow some of your recommendations.

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