Garden Photo of the Day

A simple tuteur for annual vines

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

If you’d like to add a bit of last-minute verticality to a garden bed, try making this simple tuteur for an annual vine. Choose a spot, collect a bundle of bamboo stakes, and loosely press them into the ground a few inches deep and a few inches apart in a large circle. Then gather them together at the top and tie them with a length of waxed twine. Starting from the top, wind the twine around the structure, wrapping the spool around each stake as you go, pulling tightly. At the bottom of the structure, tie the twine one last time to one of the stakes. Then pop in a few seeds!

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  1. wwross 08/12/2010

    Looks easy!

  2. arboretum 08/12/2010

    what a helpful and well illustrated idea!

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