Garden Photo of the Day

A Pretty Pergola Garden in Kansas

How wonderful what rain and cooler temperatures can do for a garden! Terry Chance shows us how it's going in southeast Kansas! Keep up the good work!

"This has been a wonderful year for gardening in southeast Kansas!  Lots of rain and cooler temps than normal.  I have been gardening since 1990 and love the feel of dirt on my hands and seeing my new daylilies bloom for the first time.  I have over 100 different varieties of daylilies and many other perennials."

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View 26 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/09/2015

    Oh, my, Terry, you have my attention...I'm a fellow daylily lover and would love to wander among your clumps of showstoppers. Your second picture reminds me of the beautiful display garden at Oakes Daylilies which advertises in Fine Gardening. They are located about an hour from me and have a yearly festival...I love to attend and find it impossible to leave empty handed. Love the elegance of your pergola and how the white provides such a wonderful backdrop for all the exuberant colorfulness of the flowers. And, of course, your photo capture with the little green frog is adorable.

    1. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

      Glad you enjoyed my garden! I wish you could wander through it too! I love visitors.

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 07/09/2015

    Nice pergola and quite a daylily collection. Do you crazy deadheading or do you let them fall off? Love that bed frame (if that's what it is).

    1. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

      I used to dead head every day, but I seem to have a hard time finding the time now. Yes, it is a bed frame. Makes a great place for hanging a planter!

  3. lindanewber 07/09/2015

    Beautiful!!! Absolutely love the lights on the Pergola.

  4. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

    I think it is what we call a tree frog, and yes they get bigger. I don't know why but I have had lots of them this year. Glad you enjoyed my pics. It is so much fun to share my garden with everyone!

    1. User avater
      gringopeligroso 07/09/2015

      Gwen and Terry! And Diane! FYI:
      Good Morning from the other side of y'all's Southern Border!
      Yes, it's one of the tree frogs which are fairly common here in North America! But, since they're chiefly nocturnal, they're not seen by many gardeners. I'll wager y'all have heard their croaky singing after dark, however!! They're expecially joyful and loud after generous rains!! There's at least two species which attain some size in most of the Eastern States. One morning, I stumbled upon this scene and immediately grabbed my never far away camera.
      Two Common Oklahoma Tree Frogs: Gray Tree Frog,(Hyla versicolor),
      and Green Tree Frog, (Hyla cinerea). The Gray, (which can change colours,) ranges as far North as South East Canada. The smaller and smoother Green is more of a South Eastern US specie. Their ranges overlap, but both taper out as the Great Plains become a too-dry barrier.

      The Greens love grasses and cattails in standing puddles or ponds to breed and raise their young. With our El Niño season being very active this year, I'll bet y'all have a bumper crop of these frogs!!..which is a good thing....they LOVE Mosquitos!!

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 07/09/2015

        Delightful picture, cute, they look like a couple having a squabble.

        1. User avater
          gringopeligroso 07/10/2015

          I read your comment and once again, you have this olde face chuckling far more than it (I) should be!!! But, YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!

      2. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

        Thank you for all the great information about these little frogs. I love them and they have been plentiful this year, probably because of the rain! If they eat mosquitoes I double love them!

        1. User avater
          gringopeligroso 07/10/2015

          Yes!! We encourage, protect, and celebrate any and all vampire vanquishers here!!! (Too bad they don't relish ticks, as well!!) We also have a fleet of dragonflies which take off and patrol early and late, but the tiny bloodsuckers seem to still multiply quicker than the law allows.

  5. Cenepk10 07/09/2015

    So very pretty. Yes ! The rain has been my friend this year as well, having been in a tropical weather pattern for the last month. Love day lilies ! Loved it all !!!!

  6. GrannyCC 07/09/2015

    Gorgeous garden. Love the pergola and all the beautiful flowers. We are having a drought in British Columbia and are on watering restrictions so all is drying up/ Glad you are enjoying the moisture.

  7. VikkiVA 07/09/2015

    Your lighted pergolas are enchanting. I also count daylilies as one of my favorite flowers to grow. Looks like you have a beautiful "field" of flowers. Love your planter with the petunia and precious white flower (name escapes me). Vikki in VA

  8. user-7007140 07/09/2015

    A pergola is right up there on my wish list, only beaten by 1, a screened porch, 2. A really good shredder. Love the lights on your own pergola and that pale pink rose is just beautiful.
    We have lots of tree frogs,too, but I have never spotted one in over thirty years! Great photo of that and everything. I am a Daylily fan, too. So many varieties that I can fully understand anyone taking the leap to breeding. I'm sure my husband is glad it hasn't yet happened as I've already overrun my space for other plants.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

      Your wish list is kinda like mine! I would love a screened in porch too!

  9. user-7007695 07/09/2015

    What a beautiful property you have. You could rent out to weddings, lol. So romantic. Thanks for sharing.

    1. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

      It would be fun to rent out for weddings. Great idea!

  10. NWAgardener 07/09/2015

    Hello Terry - I live close by in NW Arkansas and we have enjoyed the same cooler temps and plentiful rain! I love your expansive garden and am in awe of the number of daylily varieties you have! Do you buy your daylilies locally, by mailorder, or do you swap varieties with friends? Do you keep track of the varieties with markers and have you experimented with propagating new varieties? I have a brother who lives in Pittsburg, KS. Are you near there?

    1. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

      Yes I live 30 miles north of pittsburg. I have bought my daylilies from different sources. Some from a field of daylilies, some from a friend in Mo., some from mail order and some from face book! I do keep track of all the ones I have bought in the last three or four years. Some of my older ones I have forgotten the names. I put metal tags with information about the daylily on each new one. I will try and post a pic of one below.

  11. Clarkpark 07/09/2015

    Gwen and Terry, I enjoyed visiting your garden in Kansas this morning! Your collection of daylilies is impressive?! Is the pale pink Climbing Rose New Dawn?

    1. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

      Yes it is New Dawn! It is beautiful in the spring.

  12. ClareRocky 07/09/2015

    Your daylilies are really amazing. They look so spectacular massed like that. Just beautiful!

  13. user-4691082 07/09/2015

    Terry, you have a beautiful garden with some big day lilies! I love the little frog! Or toad! I am glad you are having a cooler gets pretty hot out that way. I love the pergolas too!

  14. ILfarmersdaughter 07/09/2015

    Love love love your day lilies. All so beautiful. Like the picture with the little green frog on e yellow daylilly. Thanks for sharing your garden.

  15. OneKSGardner 07/09/2015

    Thanks everyone for your sweet comments about my garden. I just love gardening and sharing pics is so much fun! There is nothing I would rather do than talk about flowers........and gardening.

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