tall plants - Fine Gardening
How to Grow Annual Sunflowers for Pollinators and Wildlife
As we enter the dog days of summer, many of us are buzzing about with trips to the beach, firing up the old grill, and celebrating our country’s independence. In…
Columnar Conifers for Focal Points, Screening, and Tight Spaces
In elementary school I was told that it was poor form to use more than one exclamation point at the end of a sentence. However, when I design gardens, I’m…
Expert Staking Tips for Tall Plants
If you garden in a low-wind situation, your tall plants probably won’t need staking. However, my big, bold garden is out in the open prairie, so staking is often a…
Big and Bold Plants for the Back of the Border
A garden and a chorus have certain similarities, with lots of different plants or lots of different voices coming together to create something beautiful. If all the plants or voices…
8 Ways to Create Crowd-Pleasing Containers
Containers open up a world of design possibilities for apartment dwellers, gardeners with limited time or space, and anyone who wants to add an instant focal point to their daily…
Getting the Most From Tall Plants
Plants bred for compact size and short stems are great for containers and tight spaces, but don’t be afraid to let your garden grow up. Even in the smallest gardens,…
Castor Bean (Ricinus communis)
Although castor bean is a gorgeous, showy plant in the garden, the seeds are poisonous. So why would one want to grow it? Read on to find out...