starting seeds - Fine Gardening

  • easy-to-grow wildflowers for the Southwest

    Easy-to-Grow Native Wildflowers for the Southwest

    Brilliant wildflower displays are legendary in much of the Southwest, but they don’t occur every year. In fact, a widespread display only happens about once every ten years or so.…

  • herbs to grow from seed

    8 Great Herbs Easily Grown From Seed

    Herbs are ­powerful plants. Just the thought of picking fresh rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus spp. and cvs., Zones 8–10) or basil (Ocimum basilicum spp. and cvs., annual) can awaken our sense…

  • tray of annual seedlings

    Wax Begonias and Other Annuals to Start Early

    When it comes to seed sowing, many of us in the North are eager to get things going as early as possible. More often than not, however, we are advised…

  • seeds to sow in fall

    Sow Seed in Fall for Annuals in Spring

    It might sound counterintuitive, but when the possibility of cooler weather arrives in fall, it’s time to think about spring flowers. Some of the best spring bloomers only do well…

  • pink and red sweet peas

    When Do You Sow Sweet Peas? Plant Them in Fall If You Live in This Zone

    If it’s fall and you live in USDA Hardiness Zones 8 and above, you should be planting your sweet pea seeds. Sweet peas are climbing annual plants that bear clusters…

  • cold frame with plastic exterior

    Using Cold Frames in the Mountain West

    If you’ve lived in the Mountain West, you know how erratic the weather can be here; sometimes there are swings between temperatures with as much as a 60° to 70°F…

  • Native ferns grow in flats

    Propagating Natives by Seed in the Mid-Atlantic

    As information about growing native plants becomes more available to home gardeners, it’s hard to find a reason not to grow them. I talked to Leslie French about propagating native…

  • Gro Mor MWS-1 Mini Wand Seeder

    Great Garden Tools for the Season

    Gro Mor MWS-1 Mini Wand Seeder If you’ve ever struggled with sowing the nearly invisibly small seeds of poppy (Papaver spp. and cvs., Zones 2–10), impatiens (Impatiens spp. and cvs.,…

  • Video

    Seed-Starting Tips and Techniques (Webinar)

    Starting plants from seed opens a world of possibilities to gardeners of all skill levels. Many vegetables, annual flowers, and even perennial plants can be started from seed using a…

  • Transplant seedlings into the garden on a drizzly, gray day to protect them from the desiccating effect of the sun. If the weather won’t cooperate, plant in late afternoon.

    Jump-Start Your Seeds

    Use these tricks to speed germination, then plant up some pots