pollination - Fine Gardening
Planting a Pollinator-Friendly Garden
It’s not enough anymore for a garden to be beautiful. It should also be attractive. The more we welcome insects, the more we help sustain the local ecosystem’s food chains.…
A Garden of Butterflies
Today we’re enjoying some beautiful photos by Dianne Nodine and her husband, Paul. They live in Belfast Maine, where they love gardening and love growing plants that help wildlife. They…
The Sex Life of Flowers
Plants, like animals, have a sex life. But unlike animals, plants can’t walk, swim, fly, or crawl around in search of a mate. For procreation, most plants need assistance, so…
Kitchen Gardening
8 Outstanding New Veggies 2016
Wouldn’t it be great to have gardening friends who would grow all of those tempting new vegetable varieties you read about in catalogs, and tell you which were most worthy…
Seed Saving Made Simple
For most of today’s gardeners, the growing season begins with a spring seed catalog. But for those who save seeds from year to year, the next growing season begins as…
Kitchen Gardening
Squash Basics: Troubleshooting Common Problems
Green zucchini, yellow crooknecks, and pattypans—all summer squash are tasty, early bearing, and easy to grow, especially if you use good organic methods. But even with the best of crops,…
How to Pollinate Zucchini by Hand
If you’ve noticed the fruits of your zucchini plants are dying on the plant, you may need to take an active hand in pollination. Here are some tips to help…
Ways to Improve Pollination in the Veggie Garden
Procreation in the garden is pretty simple. The pollen from a flower’s stamen has to find the ovary (pistil) in another—or sometimes the same—flower; the plant is now pollinated, and…
How to Pollinate Squash
Welcome to Homegrown/Homemade, a video series from FineGardening.com. We’ll be following a gardener (Fine Gardening executive editor Danielle Sherry) and a cook (Sarah Breckenridge) as they plant, maintain, harvest, store, and prepare…
Grow More Flowers to Harvest More Food
We have all watched pollinators go about their business with flowers. But just how—if at all—do they work in conjunction with the vegetable garden? And will the addition of flowers…