long lasting interest - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    A Small Tree With Four-Season Impact

    Have you ever experienced PSFM? It stands for “post-spring flower melancholy.” It occurs after nature has given her best color seemingly all at once and then it’s over. Wouldn’t it…

  • bold colorful plants in the garden, with shades of red, purple, yellow and chartreuse

    Design a Garden With Bold Colors

    As an amateur artist, I know that four is the number of hues I can use in a painting without it starting to look garish. The more colors you use…

  • Design

    Flowering Ground Covers

    To blanket an area small or large, these are the perennials to pick

  • ‘Cleopatra’ foxtail lily

    Big Blooms That Don’t Flop

    Like most gardeners, I swoon at the sight of a border filled with towering delphiniums, head-high dahlias, and deliciously fragrant peonies. These are the coveted candies of the quintessential cottage…