House Plants - Fine Gardening

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    Super-Trailing Plants for Containers

    Early in the year I start planning for my containers. I like to get a jump on figuring out what I want, so I can be sure and get to…

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    Episode 175: Great Houseplants 

    Potted plants will bring life and positive energy into any room, and studies have shown that having them nearby can relieve stress, boost creativity, and improve focus. In winter, when…

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    Episode 57: Visit to Logee’s Greenhouses

    We’re taking the podcast on the road again and this time we traveled to Logee’s Greenhouses in Danielson, Connecticut. Known countrywide as a mecca for houseplant and tropical plant lovers,…

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    Repotting Houseplants

    July weather is hot and dry, so why not stay inside with the air-conditioning or a fan and catch up on your indoor gardening? Indoor plants need love too, so…

  • Illustration of house plant

    Houseplant Myths

    Admit it: you are dying to adopt something green and growing into your home. But you hesitate. Although you might be a whiz in the garden, somehow translating those skills…

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    Regional Picks: Best New Finds – Northwest

    1. Tracy’s Maidenhair Fern Name: Adiantum × tracyi Usda Hardiness Zones:7 to 9 Size:12 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide Conditions:Partial shade; rich, well-drained soil with occasional watering…

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    Regional Picks: Fast-Filling Plants – Northwest

    1. ‘Cosmopolitan’ Miscanthus Name: Miscanthus sinensis var. condensatus ‘Cosmopolitan’ USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9 Size: 4 feet wide and 7 feet tall Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; rich, moist…

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    Regional Picks: Plant This With That—Southern Plains

    Plant this . . .   White Out™ rose Name: Rosa ‘Radwhite’ USDA Hardiness Zones: 5–9 Size: 3 to 4 feet tall and wide Conditions: Full sun to partial shade;…

  • summer containers with houseplants

    Put Your Houseplants in Your Outside Containers

    We all enjoy a vacation, right? Well, houseplants can benefit from a change of venue, too, but their vacation destination doesn’t need to be limited to an out-of-the-way, sometimes forgotten…