best roses - Fine Gardening

  • mixed rose garden ideas

    Rose Growing Basics

    The proverb “Beauty is only skin deep,” written by Thomas Overbury in 1613, is intended to encourage one to look beyond external physical beauty and discover what is hidden under…

  • container roses

    Great Rose Varieties for Growing in Containers

    Every gardener needs to grow at least one rose (Rosa spp. and cvs., Zones 2–11), although sometimes the only sunny spot in the yard is a concrete patch. Most roses…

  • best roses for the garden

    The Best Roses for Your Garden

    Gertrude Stein once wrote, "A rose is a rose is a rose." But when it comes to growing them, not all roses are equal. Since many roses put on their…

  • pink flowers in a garden

    Extraordinary Roses for the Northwest

    When I talk to most gardeners about roses, they often roll their eyes. Yes, roses have been around forever, and here in the Pacific Northwest they are problematic at best…

  • Marie Pavie rose

    The Best Roses for the South

    It’s true that here in the humid South, roses have a lot to contend with. Mildew and black spot are two of the most common fungus problems. There are a…

  • Design

    A Rosy Garden in Argentina, Part 2

    Welcome back to Martha Veronesi’s incredible garden in the city of Pilar, Argentina. My largest garden bed is the one that we can see directly from the gallery of the…

  • Collection

    Timeless Cottage-Garden Roses

    Nothing says cottage garden like roses. Timeless, fragrant, and cheerful—these classic roses are lovely choices to help create the charming and inviting environment of the English countryside. Whether you prefer…

  • How-To

    Buy the Best Roses

    Roses are some of the most delicate and beautiful blooms any gardener can have in their special space. However, there are so many different varieties, that choosing what to buy…