Showy Fruit - Fine Gardening
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Climbing prairie rose
Rosa 'Setigura'Climbing prairie rose has fragrant deep pink flowers 2 inches in diameter.
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‘Iowa’ Chinese juniper
Juniperus chinensis ‘Iowa’This is a slow-growing evergreen shrub with a formal appearance, with its narrow, columnar form and outstanding gray-green foliage.
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‘Cornelia’ Hybrid musk rose
Rosa 'Cornelia'This old-fashioned looking rose has a bicolor look with its clustered coral buds and pink double flowers with copper centers.
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Arisaema triphyllumA favorite of children, Jack-in-the-pulpit is a tuberous perennial producing one or two leaves, each divided into three narrow leaflets.
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‘Mozart’ Hybrid musk rose
Rosa 'Mozart'This profuse bloomer produces enormous sprays of small, single pink blooms with white centers and dark reddish-pink edges.
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Ilex verticillata ‘Sunsplash’
Ilex verticillata 'Sunsplash'The one thing that I always thought would make winterberry a more interesting plant is better foliage.
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Ziziphus obtusifoliaAppropriately named, this open shrub has grayish green leaves and stiff, thorn-tipped branches.
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Amethyst coralberry
Symphoricarpos × doorenbosii 'Kordes'This hybrid produces vivid deep purple-pink fruit from late summer on.
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Hybrid Wichurana rambler
Rosa 'Bobby James'This sweetly scented, rambling rose has glossy leaves and produces large groups of semi-double, creamy-white, 2-inch-wide blossoms in summer.
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’Merrill’ Loebner magnolia
Magnolia × loebneri ’Merrill’This vigorous, erect tree grows from 20 to 30 feet tall and has star-shaped flowers with 15 broad white petals blushed with pink.