Red - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Strawberry Fields’ gomphrena

    Gomphrena haageana ‘Strawberry Fields’

    An upright, bushy annual with flowers (actually bracts) that resemble bright red strawberries with tiny yellow "seeds.

  • Plant Guide

    Red-hot poker

    Kniphofia uvaria

    These tall spikes top off the perennial border with a burst of tropical-red racemes.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Moses’ Fire’ daylily

    Hemerocallis ‘Moses’ Fire’

    This double-flowered daylily has robust red blooms edged in gold. It is a heavy bloomer and will rebloom in late summer.

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    Nova™ ‘Dragonfire’ crocosmia

    Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora

    The short, compact habit of this variety allows it to stay upright throughout the growing season.

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    Crimson Kisses weigela

    Weigela 'Slingco 1'

    A new, more compact reblooming weigela with a tidy, rounded shape covered with bright, lipstick-red flowers kissed with a white eye.

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    Take It Easy™ Rose, Take It Easy™ Shrub Rose, Easy-To-Love•,

    Rosa hybrid cv. ‘WEKyoopedko’

    Glossy foliage continuously covered in red blooms with a pink reverse. Disease resistant and fragrant.

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    Windcliff Flurry

    Fuchsia magellancia

    Selected for brilliant red and purple flowers and winter hardiness. Blooms for months, irresistible to hummingbirds and a great background border.

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    Sundenia Coral dipladenia

    Dipladenia Sundenia Coral

    Sundenia dipladenias are shipped in a 6 inch container, with an average height of 6 inches at delivery time. It will be ideal for planting directly into the landscape or…

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    Sun Parasol Pretty Crimson

    Mandevilla Sun Parasol Pretty Crimson

    Sun Parasol Pretty Crimson mandevilla blooms ferociously with 2 to 3 inch true-red flowers along thin, small,yet sturdy, glossy green leaves. A vigorous grower, Pretty Crimson can grow up to…

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    Red Volunteer Daylily

    Hemerocallis Red Volunteer

    Information below provided by Oakes Daylilies. Masses of rich red blooms with a smooth velvety texture.