Late Fall - Fine Gardening

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    Emerald Colonnade® holly

    Ilex ‘Ruthol1’ PP #23905

    This versatile shrub is ideal for use as a single specimen or in a small group planting. Planted in mass, it forms a superb hedge, screen, or windbreak. Well suited…

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Wonder of Staffa’ aster

    Aster  × frikartii 'Wonder of Staffa'

    This repeat-blooming aster produces bright, 2-inch-wide, violet-blue flowers from mid-summer into fall.

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    Giant leopard plant

    Ligularia tussilaginea ‘Gigantea’

    This evergreen foliage plant has large, rounded, leathery leaves and daisy-like yellow flowers.

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    Pincushion hakea

    Hakea laurina

    Through the fall and into winter, pincushion hakea provides beautiful cut flowers for the holidays; the foliage and seedpods are also great for arrangements.

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    Baby cyclamen

    Cyclamen hederifolium

    A fine plant for fall, this cyclamen's frequently scented, mottled flowers emerge directly from the soil, followed by a carpet of patterned, mid- to dark green leaves attractively variegated with…

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    Meadow saffron

    Colchicum autumnale

    Meadow saffron is a cormous perennial with erect, lance-shaped leaves 5 to 14 inches long.

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    False chamomile

    Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank'

    Boltonias are vigorous perennials grown for their sprays of aster-like flowers, which appear above clean, gray-green foliage.

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    Common periwinkle, creeping myrtle

    Vinca minor 'Illumination'

    Like other creeping myrtles, 'Illumination' is a tough evergreen ground cover for shade that will grow in almost any soil.

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    Red spider lily

    Lycoris radiata

    Red spider lily’s brilliant red flowers remind me of an azalea’s ball truss.

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    Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’

    Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’

    Plectranthus cultivars are popular foliage plants, but some gardeners grow them for their blooms, and one of the best bloomers is 'Mona Lavender'.