Frost Tolerant - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Angelina’ sedum

    Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’

    This vigorous, mat-forming, evergreen species has electric golden-yellow foliage that holds its color through the heat of summer.

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    Moonrise™ full moon maple

    Acer shirasawanum 'Munn 001'

    This tree offers many reasons to get excited:bright red spring foliage, wonderful chartreuse summer color, a vigorous growth habit, and an increased sun tolerance.

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    Verbascum ‘Sugar Plum’

    Verbascum 'Sugar Plum'

    This dwarf mullein is just 15 inches tall but it packs a big floral punch.

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    Dense-flowered mullein

    Verbascum densiflorum

    This biennial or short-lived, semi-evergreen perennial forms rosettes of leaves densely covered with grayish-yellow hairs.

  • Plant Guide

    Culver’s root

    Veronicastrum virginicum

    This species has multiple tapering, soft spikes of white to pale pink or bluish purple flowers that look like elegant, living candelabras.

  • Plant Guide

    Tall verbena

    Verbena bonariensis

    This outstanding annual or perennial deserves its popularity.

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    ‘Annie Hall’ thyme

    Thymus serphyllum 'Annie Hall'

    'Annie Hall' forms a prostrate mat with small, narrow leaves and is covered with pale purple-pink flowers in late spring.

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    North American hay-scented fern

    Dennstaedtia punctilobula

    This fern's lacy foliage smells of freshly mown grass and carpets the woodland or a moist, partially sunny site.

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    Sunset foxglove

    Digitalis obscura

    This foxglove has long-lasting flowers in seductive shades of burnt umber.

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    Diascia barberae

    This softly textured tender perennial (or annual) produces delicate, loose spires in summer and fall.