2 - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    Iceland poppy

    Papaver nudicaule

    Iceland poppy is a short-lived perennial usually grown as a cool-weather annual, or biennial.

  • Plant Guide

    Creeping dogwood

    Cornus canadensis

    A spreading subshrub, Cornus canadensis has whorls of leathery mid-green leaves that turn purple in the winter.

  • Plant Guide

    Moss phlox

    Phlox subulata

    Moss phlox is a dense ground cover blanketed with notch-petaled flowers in April and May.

  • Plant Guide

    Common bearberry, Kinnikinnick

    Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

    This is a fine plant for cascading over the edge of a wall.

  • Plant Guide

    Redtwig dogwood

    Cornus alba

    These showy shrubs have two distinct phases of garden interest.

  • Plant Guide

    Showy lady’s slipper

    Cypripedium reginae

    This terrestrial orchid has 3 to 7 oval to lance-shaped leaves.

  • Plant Guide

    Delphinium elatum

    Delphinium elatum

    The parent of the regal hybrid Delphiniums, the species has 3- to 4-foot-tall spires of blue, violet, lavender, or white flowers.

  • Plant Guide

    Colorado blue spruce

    Picea pungens ‘Procumbens’

    'Procumbens' is similar to 'Pendula' in color but prostrate in habit, with cascading branches sometimes staying stiffly horizontal.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Miss Canada’ Preston lilac

    Syringa × prestoniae ‘Miss Canada’

    This hardy, late-flowering hybrid bears perfumed rose-pink buds opening to pink flowers.

  • Plant Guide

    Obedient plant

    Physostegia virginiana

    Obedient plant is a clump-forming native perennial that grows aggressively.