2 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Iceland poppy
Papaver nudicaule
Iceland poppy is a short-lived perennial usually grown as a cool-weather annual, or biennial.
Plant Guide
Creeping dogwood
Cornus canadensisA spreading subshrub, Cornus canadensis has whorls of leathery mid-green leaves that turn purple in the winter.
Plant Guide
Moss phlox
Phlox subulataMoss phlox is a dense ground cover blanketed with notch-petaled flowers in April and May.
Plant Guide
Common bearberry, Kinnikinnick
Arctostaphylos uva-ursiThis is a fine plant for cascading over the edge of a wall.
Plant Guide
Redtwig dogwood
Cornus albaThese showy shrubs have two distinct phases of garden interest.
Plant Guide
Showy lady’s slipper
Cypripedium reginaeThis terrestrial orchid has 3 to 7 oval to lance-shaped leaves.
Plant Guide
Delphinium elatum
Delphinium elatumThe parent of the regal hybrid Delphiniums, the species has 3- to 4-foot-tall spires of blue, violet, lavender, or white flowers.
Plant Guide
Colorado blue spruce
Picea pungens ‘Procumbens’'Procumbens' is similar to 'Pendula' in color but prostrate in habit, with cascading branches sometimes staying stiffly horizontal.
Plant Guide
‘Miss Canada’ Preston lilac
Syringa × prestoniae ‘Miss Canada’This hardy, late-flowering hybrid bears perfumed rose-pink buds opening to pink flowers.
Plant Guide
Obedient plant
Physostegia virginianaObedient plant is a clump-forming native perennial that grows aggressively.