Fine Gardening – Issue 96
Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’
A variegated willow for the sunny border
Give Your Border a Tropical Punch
Use exotic plants as focal points, as accents, and in a vignette
The Basics of Fertilizing Your Plants
It pays to know why, what, how, and when to feed your plants
Two Steps for Pruning Climbing Roses
Prune yearly for healthier, more manageable growth and bigger, better flowers
A Backyard Makeover
This small space is redesigned to include all the comforts of home
Featured Articles
Creeping Sedums
These colorful perennials fit into many niches
Mycorrhizae Help Feed Your Plants
One of the most valuable organisms your soil can have is a fungus known as mycorrhizae, which means “fungus root” in Greek. The full name of the fungus will really…