Gardening Answers

Seed Catalogs!

maryannnewcomer | Posted in Mountain West Gardening on

Yesterday, December 1, my first 2024 seed catalog showed up in the mail. It was from Seed Saver’s Exchange, an organization I really admire. Swan Island’s luscious Dahlia catalog arrived two weeks ago. I am prepared. This always throws me for a loop.

How can it be time to order for the next garden season when you just got the planting beds tucked in from THIS year? 

I am curious, how do you organize and order seeds and plants for the next year?


  1. User avater Moderator
    LSweeney_moderator | | #1

    Seed catalogs always inspire so much garden lust. It's so easy to get swept away by the beautiful pictures! I like to plan to plan my garden out first and then look at catalogs/websites to find the varieties that will work best with my plan, but I am certainly guilty of adding things to the cart that I don't have a plan for but just want for no particular reason other than it has struck my fancy.

  2. User avater Moderator
    maryannnewcomer | | #2

    Guilty as charged! Me too!

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