How do I protect my garden from annual hail storms?

I have a garden in Montana that gets ruined by annual hail storms. I have been using screw in umbrellas but those block too much sun for too many days. Any ideas on a type of arbor/screening to use that looks nice but which can be adjusted during the July/August hail season.
Dear Duckfeathers, My apologies for not seeing this message earlier.
The only thing I can think of that might work is shade cloth. If you could create a temporary shade structure, it would keep the hail from pounding the plants. I would start with 25-30% shade cloth. When I googled "shade cloth," I also came across an anti-hail cloth at a farm supply store. I am not sure they look nice, but maybe you can decorate the poles holding the fabric? Let me know how you fix this issue. And best of luck to you.
Thank you, I will look into both suggestions.
I hope one of these "ideas" will work for you. Cheers.