Amanda Bennett

Amanda Bennett is vice president of horticulture and collections at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

  • Plumleaf Azalea
    Southeast Regional Reports

    Plants That Take Sun and Shade for the Southeast

      1. Plumleaf Azalea Name: Rhododendron prunifolium Zones: 5–9 Size: 8 to 12 feet tall and 6 to 8 feet wide Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; moist, well-drained soil…

  • deer-resistant plants for the south
    Southeast Regional Reports

    Plants That the Herbivores Will Avoid in the South

    Fionuala Campion says in her article, Dazzling Deer-Resistant Perennials, "Though very graceful and delightful to behold in their native habitat, deer are a voracious force to reckon with in many…

  • broadleaf evergreen for the south
    Southeast Regional Reports

    Interesting Broadleaf Evergreens for the South

    In an episode of Fine Gardening's podcast, Let's Argue About Plants, the hosts discuss the importance of evergreen plants, and the particular perks of broadleaf evergreens: "The key to any…

  • Amethyst Butterfly Bush
    Southeast Regional Reports

    Your Favorite Plants Improved for the South

    In Paul Westervelt's article on perennial upgrades, he explains the benefit of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new versions of tried-and-true plants: "After whiffing a few times,…

  • Firecracker bush
    Southeast Regional Reports

    Perennial Rebloomers for the South

    Dan Robarts says in his article on reblooming perennials, "...the criteria I generally adhere to for earning a spot in the beds at my home or botanical garden workplace center…

  • Southeast Regional Reports

    Regional Picks: Variegated Plants for Shade—South

    See regional picks for variegated plants for shade, and read the article by Andy Brand for even more ideas. “While the cool, shady areas have provided me with the opportunity…