Wisconisn - Page 5 of 53

  • moss garden

    Tips for Creating a Moss Garden

    Most people have that shady patch in their yard where turf struggles but moss is abundant. Products and techniques are promoted for the purpose of eradicating this primitive member of…

  • Olbrich Botanical Gardens

    Olbrich Botanical Gardens: A Must-See Midwest Destination

    Visiting public gardens is a fantastic way to gain gardening inspiration, information, and ideas—not to mention a wonderful way to just relax and soak in the beauty of a locale.…

  • Fragrant Annuals

    Add These Fragrant Annual Flowers to Your Garden in the Midwest

    Enjoying fragrance in the garden is an experience most gardeners appreciate and strive for. Our woody plants, such as lilac (Syringa spp. and cvs., Zones 3–8) and Koreanspice viburnum (Viburnum…

  • deer and hydrangeas

    Do Deer Eat Hydrangeas?

    The arrival of late spring and early summer means just one thing here in New England: hydrangea season. The East Coast is known for the iconic displays those hydrangeas put…

  • Buttonbush

    Growing Buttonbush: A Great Native Shrub for Wet Areas in the Garden

    A shrub that I continue to promote and utilize in the Midwest is our native buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis and cvs., Zones 4–10). Native to a wide range of the eastern…

  • best phlox

    Growing Creeping Phlox and Annual Phlox in the Midwest

    Most gardeners are familiar with garden phlox (Phlox paniculata and cvs., Zones 4–8), woodland phlox (P. divaricata and cvs., Zones 3–8), and the two common species referred to as creeping…

  • Northern bayberry

    Drought-Tolerant Shrubs for the Midwest

    According to NASA Earth Observatory, one-third of the United States experienced some level of drought in 2020. Unfortunately, we know this was not a random anomaly but an increasing trend with…

  • Design

    Yellow, Chartreuse, and Golden Shrubs and Trees for Big Garden Impact

    I’m a huge fan of golden foliage in the garden. Yellow flowers, of course, have their own appeal in offering color and warmth, but the lengthy contribution of chartreuse to…

  • ghost lady fern

    How to Grow ‘Ghost’ Lady Fern

    I’ve grown many ferns over the years, and I’m constantly enthralled anew every time I see ‘Ghost’ lady fern (Athyrium ‘Ghost’, Zones 3–8) in the shade garden. Described as well-mannered,…

  • poolside garden in full bloom

    Heidi’s Poolside Garden

    My name is Heidi Steffes, and I’ve been gardening on six acres in Waukesha, Wisconsin, for 38 years. While I have many gardening areas, today's photos are from our pool…