Organic Gardening - Page 2 of 64

  • reblooming perennials

    Reliably Reblooming Perennial Plants

    There are many things to consider when selecting a herbaceous perennial plant for the garden. Some slots are for sentimental plantings, like a piece of Grandma’s peony from the family…

  • Grow native milkweeds to bring pollinators to your garden

    Grow Native Milkweeds to Bring Pollinators to Your Garden

    Monarch butterflies rely on milkweed (Asclepias spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) as their primary host plant. As the monarchs’ western migration teeters on vanishing completely within years and the eastern…

  • Video

    Getting Control of Insects, Weeds, and Diseases – Webinar

    Insect pests, out-of-control diseases, and unrelenting weeds—these are the things that keep gardeners up at night. Most of us know that reaching for a spray bottle of toxic chemicals isn’t…

  • How-To

    Northern Plains December Garden To-Do List

    Create a winter container. Fill a beautiful container with clippings from your garden to enjoy during the winter months and extend the gardening season. Containers are an adaptable and versatile…

  • How-To

    5 Vegetable Garden Tasks to Do in Fall for a Happier Spring

    As the growing season winds down, are you tempted to “throw in the trowel” and leave your vegetable garden cleanup until next spring? In the October 2020 issue of Fine…

  • Design

    Learn How to Support Soil Life

    The vitality and resiliency of every garden depends on plants interacting with a vast array of insects, fungi, and microorganisms, especially those that make their homes in the soil. Through…

  • How-To

    Can All Houseplants Go Outside in Summer?

    A whole lot of bonding has happened, and you’ve forged a closeness akin to family with your houseplants this year. But when summer arrived, you needed to turn your attention…

  • Design

    Northern California May Garden To-Do List

    What to do in the ornamental garden Go on pest patrol. By regularly inspecting your rose bushes for pests and diseases and eliminating problems early on, you'll enjoy strong, healthy…

  • Article

    Books for Gardeners, Foragers and Cooks

    I am a confessed bibliophile; I love books. I enjoy reading and learning and try to spend time everyday with a book. Currently, I am reading/perusing at least six books.…

  • Article

    Herbs for Thanksgiving

    The robust, perennial, woody-stemmed herbs are what I use most during fall and winter. They lend themselves to the seasonal foods. Read all about what herbs will complement our Thanksgiving…